MWF 9:10am - 10:00am (A2)
MC Reynolds 110
Dr. Brent Yorgey Office Hours
An introduction to the discrete paradigm in mathematics and computer science. Topics include logic, set theory, number theory, induction, recursion, counting techniques, and graph theory.
Upon completing this course, you will be able to:
Translate natural language statements to and from formal propositional logic.
Apply the rules of propositional logic to derive correct mathematical arguments.
Recall and apply basic definitions, together with logical reasoning, to solve problems involving set theory, number theory, and combinatorics.
Solve problems using recursion and induction.
Write coherent mathematical proofs using proper mathematical notation and reasoning.
Disco language reference
Lecture notes
Discrete Mathematicsand its Applications
How to Prove It
Below is a unified calendar for the semester showing the topic for each class meeting, as well as assignment due dates. Some specifics may change as the semester progresses, but the calendar will be kept up-to-date.
Your work in the course will consist of two main elements: homework and quizzes.
Homework problems will be assigned every day, with all homework for each week typically due the following Monday by 5pm. Model solutions to homework problems will be posted a day or two after they are due.
Homework will be graded only for completion/effort on a credit/no credit basis, and earns engagement points.
Homework assignments may be completed individually or with a partner. Groups larger than 2 are not allowed.
Problem solutions should be written or typed neatly, and turned in electronically via this Google form. Submissions must be in PDF format (Word, Pages, etc. can export a PDF, typically as an option under the “File” menu).
There may be occasional Challenge homework assignments posted, which cover slightly more in-depth topics and/or ask you to synthesize multiple learning goals. Such Challenge assignments are optional but provide extra engagement points.
There will be a quiz every Friday in class. Each quiz will cover certain specific learning goals, and will have one question per (clearly marked) learning goal.
The quiz problems will be similar to homework problems assigned previously.
You may complete as many or as few of the problems on a quiz as you wish.
Each question is graded individually, on a two-level scale of (S)atisfactory/(N)ot Yet, along with written feedback.
A grade of (S)atisfactory means you have demonstrated a proficient understanding of the learning goal. Satisfactory does not necessarily mean “perfect”; there can be one or two mistakes as long as they are not central to the learning goal.
A grade of (N)ot Yet means you have not yet demonstrated proficient understanding of the learning goal. However, along with the Not Yet grade, I will provide written feedback which you can use to revise your understanding, and take the opportunity to try again on the next week’s quiz.
Normally, make-up quizzes will not be offered. If you miss a quiz, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate proficiency on the same learning goals on a subsequent quiz.
In exceptional circumstances, however (e.g. missing multiple consecutive quizzes due to illness or sports), let me know and we can work out an alternative.
The final quiz will take place during the final exam slot, on Monday, May 12, from 8:30-11:30am. It will consist of one question per learning goal from the entire course, providing you with one last opportunity to demonstrate proficiency on any learning goals you missed. If you have already demonstrated proficiency on enough learning goals to earn your desired final grade in the course, you do not have to take the final quiz.
This course uses standards-based grading. There are a number of standards or learning goals for the course (listed below), and your final grade in the course is determined primarily by the number of standards in which you have demonstrated proficiency. You do not get a grade for quizzes; rather, quizzes are just a means for you to demonstrate proficiency in one or more learning goals.
Core learning goals are highlighted.
The below is an illustration of the cycle for a hypothetical learning goal “LG8”, introduced in week n:
That is, each learning goal will be covered in class at some point, with homework problems assigned. The homework is due Monday of the next week, and the quiz on Friday of the next week will include a question on that learning goal. The learning goal will stay on the weekly quizzes for a total of three weeks until it drops off again. If you do not manage to demonstrate proficient understanding of a learning goal within those three quizzes, you will have to wait until the final quiz for another chance. This is partly to motivate you to stay on top of the material, and partly to keep quizzes from becoming completely unwieldy.
There are a number of ways you can be engaged with the course that contribute to, but do not directly demonstrate, learning. These activities will earn you engagement points; to get a given final grade you must meet a certain required threshold of engagement points.
There will be about 120-130 total engagement points available over the entire semester. Perfect attendance + homework submission with no challenge HW, office hours, or practice problem submissions would earn 80 points.
Your final grade will be determined according to the below table. To get a particular grade, you must meet or exceed all the criteria in that row.
Although you and I play different roles in the course, we both have your learning as a common goal. There are things I expect from you as a student in the course, but there are also things you can expect of me as the course instructor and facilitator.
If I am not fulfilling my responsibilities outlined below, you are welcome (and encouraged!) to call me out, perhaps via the anonymous feedback form. I will also initiate a conversation if you are not fulfilling yours. However, none of us will meet all of the expectations perfectly—me included!—so it’s also important that we have grace and patience with one another.
Hendrix College is committed to high standards of honesty and fairness in academic pursuits. Such standards are central to the process of intellectual inquiry, the development of character, and the preservation of the integrity of the community. Please familiarize yourself with the statement of Academic Integrity.
You should also familiarize yourself with the Computer Science-specific Academic Integrity Policy.
If you have a documented disability or some other reason that you cannot meet the above expectations, and/or your learning would be best served by a modification to the usual course policies, I would be happy to work with you—please get in touch (via Teams or email)! The course policies are just a means to an end; I don’t care about the policies per se but I do care about you and your learning.
It is the policy of Hendrix College to accommodate students with disabilities, pursuant to federal and state law. Students should contact Julie Brown in the Office of Academic Success (505.2954; to begin the accommodation process. Any student seeking accommodation in relation to a recognized disability should inform the instructor at the beginning of the course.
Hendrix College values a diverse learning environment as outlined in the College’s Statement on Diversity. All members of this community are expected to contribute to a respectful, welcoming, and inclusive environment for every other member of the community. If you believe you have been the subject of discrimination please contact the Dean of Students Office (Donna Eddleman,, 501-450-1230 ) or the Title IX Coordinator (Jennifer Fulbright,, 501-505-2901). If you have ideas for improving the inclusivity of the classroom experience please feel free to contact me. For more information on Hendrix non-discrimination policies, visit
Hendrix recognizes that many students face mental and/or physical health challenges. If your health status will impact attendance or assignments, please communicate with me as soon as possible. If you would like to implement academic accommodations, contact Julie Brown in the office of Academic Success ( To maintain optimal health, please make use of free campus resources like the Hendrix Medical Clinic or Counseling Services (501-450-1448). Your health is important, and I care more about your health and well-being than I do about this class!