MWF 10:10-11:00am (A3)
MC Reynolds 110
Dr. Brent Yorgey Office Hours
Although you will probably never need to implement your own full-blown programming language from scratch, thinking in terms of language design is a powerful problem solving technique. In this hands-on course you will develop programming language design and implementation skills through a number of examples, using the Haskell programming languages. Topics to be covered include parsing, type checking, interpreters, abstraction, compositionality, and embedded domain-specific languages. As a final project, each student creates and implements a domain-specific language of their own design.
Upon completing this course, you will be able to:
In this course, you determine your own final grade: you will prepare and submit for my approval a grading contract explaining your chosen final grade and what you will do to achieve it. You will then earn your chosen final grade by fulfilling the agreed-upon contract.
This may be different than what you are used to. Professor Cathy Davidson of CUNY perfectly sums up the reasons for doing things this way:
The advantage of contract grading is that you, the student, decide how much work you wish to do this semester; if you complete that work on time and satisfactorily, you will receive the grade for which you contracted. This means planning ahead, thinking about all of your obligations and responsibilities this semester and also determining what grade you want or need in this course. The advantage of contract grading to the professor is no whining, no special pleading, on the student’s part. If you complete the work you contracted for, you get the grade. Done. I respect the student who only needs a C, who has other obligations that preclude doing all of the requirements to earn an A in the course, and who contracts for the C and carries out the contract perfectly.
There is no specific format required for a grading contract, but it must have the following components:
Your desired course grade. You may choose to contract for an A, B, or C (if you’re wondering about D’s and F’s, see below). Note that your grading contract should not explain the reasons for your choice. I will not judge you because of your choice, and you do not need to justify it: there are as many different valid reasons for choosing to work toward a particular final grade as there are students. If you do wish to explain to me the reasons for your choice—which you are in no way required to do—you may do so in an email, a personal conversation, etc., but it should not go in your contract.
A description of the work and requirements you will complete, in checklist format. It doesn’t have to be super detailed, but you do have to explicitly include everything. For example, you can’t just say “I will complete all the assignments listed in the syllabus”; you must actually list them. This is so that you and I both know that you are explicitly aware of the requirements, and to help you keep track of what you have completed and what you have yet to complete. You also have some choice in terms of which assignments you complete, so you must record your choice in the contract.
Note that at the beginning of the semester you may not have a very good idea about this. For example, if you need to complete ten modules, it’s not reasonable to insist that you know which specific modules you plan to complete. However, you can refine your contract over the course of the semester. You just have to put something to start; for example, a reasonable default would be to plan to complete the first ten modules assigned.
For example, a grading contract might look like this:
My desired course grade in Programming Languages is a C. To achieve this grade, I will complete the following:
You must turn in an initial proposed grading contract by the start of class on Monday, January 27. After the initial submission, I may require some revisions before I approve your contract.
Two times during the semester (Wednesday, February 26 and Friday, April 4) you are required to reflect on your progress in the course and complete an evaluation of your work, comparing it against what you agreed to in your grading contract. Your evaluation should:
Contain a copy of your original grading contract, with items you have completed checked off.
Revise your grading contract with more specific details as appropriate, for example, regarding which modules and projects you intend to complete.
Include a 1-2 paragraph reflection, which answers questions such as the following:
Your evaluation is also an opportunity to request an adjustment to your contract in either direction. If you find that you will be unable to meet the obligations of your contract, you may request to move to the next lowest grade and its requirements. Contrariwise, if you find that you’ve been performing above the obligations of your contract, you may request to fulfill the requirements for the next higher grade.
Note, however, that you don’t have to wait for an evaluation to adjust your contract. If your life has really gone off the rails (or if, say, you are finding the class easier and more enjoyable than you thought!) just come and talk to me about adjusting your contract.
[Adapted from Cathy Davidson.] You cannot intentionally contract for a grade of D (and certainly not for an F). However, I reserve the right to award a grade of D or F to anyone who fails to meet their contractual obligations in a systematic way. A “D” grade denotes some minimal fulfilling of the contract; an “F” denotes absence of enough satisfactory work, as contracted, to warrant passing of the course. Both a “D” and “F” denote a breakdown of the contractual relationship.
Much of your learning in the course will take place through modules which will be started during class time in teams of 2 or 3. Each module will guide you through a learning process on a particular topic. Modules not completed during class time should be completed with your group outside of class. Completed modules will generally be due by the end of the day on the first Monday after the module was assigned.
Submitted modules will be graded on a credit/no credit basis. Modules not receiving credit may be revised and resubmitted for 1 token per group member.
A submitted module will either receive credit or no credit based on whether it is complete and correct. Submitted modules will receive a credit/no credit grade and feedback within two business days of submission.
There will be four projects available to complete throughout the semester. These projects will give you a chance to demonstrate and apply the things you have learned through the modules.
Unlike modules, projects must be completed individually. Since this is the one and only opportunity for you to demonstrate individual mastery of the material, academic integrity should be taken especially seriously.
However, the final project may be completed with a group of up to 3.
The levels earned on all projects are added to yield total project points. For example, if you complete one project to Level 1 and two other projects to Level 2, you have earned 5 project points.
Some weeks, you will be assigned Swarm scenarios to complete. See the Swarm github repo for instructions on building Swarm from source.
For each scenario or scenarios completed, you should submit:
A screenshot showing the relevant scenarios completed, like this:
Tokens do not need to be spent to turn in Swarm scenarios late.
Take a look at the scenario authoring guide for help on creating your own scenarios.
Each student starts the semester with five virtual tokens which they can spend however they wish. Tokens are non-transferable.
Conversely, additional tokens may be earned in the following ways:
Although you and I play different roles in the course, we both have your learning as a common goal. There are things I expect from you as a student in the course, but there are also things you can expect of me as the course instructor and facilitator.
If I am not fulfilling my responsibilities outlined below, you are welcome (and encouraged!) to call me out, perhaps via the anonymous feedback form. I will also initiate a conversation if you are not fulfilling yours. However, none of us will meet all of the expectations perfectly—me included!—so it’s also important that we have grace and patience with one another.
Attendance in this class is expected, though not required as part of your grade. I appreciate you letting me know when you will need to miss class. Also, if you have been working in a group and need to miss class, it is courteous to let me and your group members know so that we can reassign groups if necessary.
Hendrix College is committed to high standards of honesty and fairness in academic pursuits. Such standards are central to the process of intellectual inquiry, the development of character, and the preservation of the integrity of the community. Please familiarize yourself with the statement of Academic Integrity.
You should also familiarize yourself with the Computer Science-specific Academic Integrity Policy.
If you have a documented disability or some other reason that you cannot meet the above expectations, and/or your learning would be best served by a modification to the usual course policies, I would be happy to work with you—please get in touch (via Teams or email)! The course policies are just a means to an end; I don’t care about the policies per se but I do care about you and your learning.
It is the policy of Hendrix College to accommodate students with disabilities, pursuant to federal and state law. Students should contact Julie Brown in the Office of Academic Success (505.2954; to begin the accommodation process. Any student seeking accommodation in relation to a recognized disability should inform the instructor at the beginning of the course.
Hendrix College values a diverse learning environment as outlined in the College’s Statement on Diversity. All members of this community are expected to contribute to a respectful, welcoming, and inclusive environment for every other member of the community. If you believe you have been the subject of discrimination please contact the Dean of Students Office (Donna Eddleman,, 501-450-1230 ) or the Title IX Coordinator (Jennifer Fulbright,, 501-505-2901). If you have ideas for improving the inclusivity of the classroom experience please feel free to contact me. For more information on Hendrix non-discrimination policies, visit
Hendrix recognizes that many students face mental and/or physical health challenges. If your health status will impact attendance or assignments, please communicate with me as soon as possible. If you would like to implement academic accommodations, contact Julie Brown in the office of Academic Success ( To maintain optimal health, please make use of free campus resources like the Hendrix Medical Clinic or Counseling Services (501.450.1448). Your health is important, and I care more about your health and well-being than I do about this class!