let swirl = (let grate = -cos (x*20*pi)/2 + 0.5 in grate @ (20*(sin(50*sqrt(x*x + y*y))))) in swirl * yellow + (y+1)/2 * blue
In this project, you will create a language which can describe and produce images like the one above!
Download the project skeleton. This provides:
While working on your project, to load it into ghci (e.g. in order to try out a function), you can use the stack repl command.
stack repl
To compile and run your project, you can use the command stack run (this should be typed at a terminal/shell prompt, not at a ghci prompt).
stack run
You should get a prompt where you can enter quilt expressions and commands. Currently, it will only generate an image of a blue square.
Simply exit the program and rerun stack run every time you want to test changes you have made to Quilt.hs.
If you like, you can also view the source for this project description file itself, although it is not necessary: Quilt.lhs.
The basic Quilt language has real numbers, booleans, arithmetic operations, if-expressions, names of standard colors, RGB color expressions, and quilt expressions.
The name of a color by itself produces an image consisting entirely of that color:
Arithmetic can be done on colors, which results in their red, green, and blue channels being operated on componentwise.
red + blue
Colors can be explicitly constructed by giving a triple of values in list notation. Each channel should be a number between 0 and 1; [0,0,0] represents black and [1,1,1] represents white.
[0.2, 0.8, 0.5]
To make things more interesting, there are special reserved variables x and y which can be used to refer to the position within the image. All the images are centered at the origin, with x and y ranging from − 1 to 1. As a simple example, we can use if together with x and y to choose different colors for different parts of the image.
if x < y then red else blue
We can also use x and y in more continuous ways. For example, this image smoothly interpolates between red and blue, using the value of x.
(x+1)/2*red + (1-(x+1)/2)*blue
We can also use x and y inside a color expression, as a more direct way to produce smoothly varying colors.
[(x+1)/2, (y+1)/2, 0.5]
Finally, the quilt operator takes four images and arranges them in a square.
quilt 0.4 yellow red (quilt green orange blue purple)
Notice how the number 0.4 can be used as a color, resulting in the color [0.4, 0.4, 0.4] (a dark gray).
[0.4, 0.4, 0.4]
More explicitly, the basic Quilt language has the following grammar:
<colorlit> ::= 'red' | 'orange' | 'yellow' | ... <num> ::= integer or floating-point <coord> ::= 'x' | 'y' <bool> ::= 'False' | 'True' <qexp> ::= | <colorlit> | <num> | <coord> | <bool> | '[' <qexp> ',' <qexp> ',' <qexp> ']' | 'if' <qexp> 'then' <qexp> 'else' <qexp> | <uop> <qexp> | <qexp> <bop> <qexp> | 'quilt' <qexp> <qexp> <qexp> <qexp> <uop> ::= '-' | '!' <bop> ::= <arith> | <comparison> | <boolean> <arith> ::= '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' <comparison> ::= '<' | '>' | ... <boolean> ::= '&&' | '||'
Quilt has three types:
In general, an expression of type X represents a function that assigns a value of that type to every (x,y) coordinate. For example, an expression of type Boolean represents not just a single True or False, but an assignment of True or False to every (x,y) coordinate. For example, x < y has type Boolean, and assigns True to every coordinates where x is less than y, and False to the others.
x < y
Note that a Color value is just a triple of arbitrary floating-point numbers; it does not necessarily have to be a valid, visible color. For example, [0.2,0.3,-1] is a “color” even though an actual visible color must have three values between 0 and 1.
[0.2, 3, -1] * [6, 2, 3] = [1.2, 6, -3]
There is one final twist: numbers are a subtype of colors, that is, a numeric value can be used anywhere that a color is expected. (As we have seen, the number n will be interpreted as the color [n,n,n].) This has some interesting implications. For example:
Arithmetic operators do not literally require two arguments of the same type. One can be a number and the other a color, in which case the number will be automatically treated like a color (for example, 0.1 + [0.2, 0.3, 0.5] = [0.3, 0.4, 0.6]). If the two arguments to an arithmetic operator are both Number, then the result is still a Number; but if either argument is a Color, then the result will be a Color.
0.1 + [0.2, 0.3, 0.5] = [0.3, 0.4, 0.6]
The two branches of an if do not have to be the same if one is a Number and one a Color. This works similarly to arithmetic operators.
quilt expects four expressions of the same type—four Boolean, four Number, or four Color. But since numbers can be used as colors, it should be possible to give quilt any combination of numbers and colors. If quilt is given four booleans, the whole expression has type Boolean; if given four numbers, the whole expression has type Number; if given a mixture of numbers and colors, the whole expression has type Color.
Some hints for dealing with subtyping in your type checker:
You may find it helpful to write a function like isSubtype :: Type -> Type -> Bool. Note that every type is a subtype of itself.
isSubtype :: Type -> Type -> Bool
Try to separate type inference involving subtyping into two phases: first, recursively infer the types of subexpressions; second, make sure their types are appropriately compatible, and if so compute an appropriate output type. You will probably want one or more helper functions to do this.
The x and y coordinates for an image produced by the Quilt language will both vary from -1 to 1, with the origin (0,0) in the center of the image.
Everything in the quilt language (booleans, numbers, colors) can vary continuously over 2D space. For example, consider the expression x < y: x and y both have type Number, so x < y has type Boolean. However, semantically it does not represent just a single boolean, but rather a function of type Double -> Double -> Bool which attaches a boolean value to every point in 2D space (according to whether the x-coordinate at that point is less than the y-coordinate). If you look again at other examples above, you will see more examples of numbers and colors varying over space.
Double -> Double -> Bool
This means your interpreter should always produce something of the form (Double -> Double -> ...). One could have it produce a Double -> Double -> Value, and define a new type Value which can be either a boolean, a number, or a color. However, since Quilt expressions will be typechecked, you can use the same trick we have used before: just represent everything (booleans, numbers, and colors) as a Color, that is, a list of Double values. So your interpreter will always output a QuiltFun, that is, a Double -> Double -> Color. A boolean can be represented by, say, [0] or [1]; a number n should be represented by the list [n,n,n]. If you have a [Double] but need a boolean or a number, just get the first element of the list. This way, your interpreter does not actually have to worry about issues of subtyping or conversion, and it does not need to do any pattern-matching to figure out what kind of value it has.
(Double -> Double -> ...)
Double -> Double -> Value
Double -> Double -> Color
Of course you should turn in Quilt.hs. Be sure it has comments explaining the different pieces of your implementation, as appropriate.
You must also turn in a file called README.txt. This file should contain:
Turn in QuiltREPL.hs only if you made any modifications to it. If you did not modify it at all, you do not need to turn it in.
For Level 1 credit, get the Quilt language as described above working in the context of the provided REPL. The user enters an expression, and is shown a syntax error, a type error, or gets an image.
To complete this project to Level 2, in addition to the requirements for Level 1:
Make sure your error messages are pleasant to read (e.g. using some sort of pretty-printing as appropriate) and informative. For example, here is an example interactive session with my implementation:
> 3 + True Expressions 3 and True have incompatible types (number and boolean). > [[5, 6, (8*9)+2], 0, 1] Type mismatch: expression [5, 6, 8 * 9 + 2] was expected to be a number, but is actually a color. > 3 + if (line 1, column 7): unexpected end of input expecting end of "if", "(", "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple", ... > red + blue 256x256 -> quilt.png
Your project doesn’t need to look the same or have the same error messages as mine; I provide it simply for inspiration.
Ensure that your code uses good Haskell style.
Make sure your code is simplified as much as possible, for example, without redundant pattern-matching.
Turn on {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} and make sure your code generates no warnings.
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
Write informative, grammatically correct comments explaining your code, its operation, and any choices you made along with the reasons for those choices.
Complete at least one extension (see the list of suggested extensions below; or come up with your own).
To complete this project to Level 3, in addition to the requirements for Level 2, you must complete at least three extensions, at least one of which is not in the list below. Feel free to consult with me if you are unsure whether your idea for an extension is feasible or substantive enough.
Add more arithmetic functions such as sin, cos, exp, floor, ceil, round, sqrt, abs, more operators like % and ^, and so on. (Hint: parse functions like sin as prefix operators with high precedence in the expression parser.) (Hint: if you add trig functions, it’s nice to also add the constant pi.)
(-cos(8*pi*x)/2 + 0.5) * green
-cos(50*sqrt(x*x + y*y))/4 + -cos(50*(sqrt((x-0.2)*(x-0.2) + y*y)))/4 + 0.5
Add variables and let-expressions. This extension has high bang for the buck, since it allows you to concisely describe much more complicated images by giving subpieces names and then being able to repeat them.
let circ = 1-(x*x + y*y) in quilt [circ,0,0] [0,circ,0] [0,0,circ] circ
let checks = quilt black white white black in let checks2 = quilt checks checks checks black in let checks3 = quilt checks2 checks2 checks2 black in let checks4 = quilt checks3 checks3 checks3 black in let checks5 = quilt checks4 checks4 checks4 black in checks5
Add operators to do geometric transformations like rotation, translation, and scaling. For example, you might add binary operators like
Each of these binary operators takes an arbitrary type t as its first argument and a number as its second argument, and produces a result of type t.
let circ = 1-(x*x + y*y) in ((circ*red) sx 0.6 tx 0.5) + ((circ*green) sy 1.1 ty 0.2) + ((circ*blue) scale 0.7 tx (-0.4))
Really weird and cool things happen when you realize that you can transform by a “number” which actually varies over the plane! For example, here I make a grate consisting of vertical bars, and then apply a rotation of 40*(0.5-(x*x + y*y)) degrees at location (x,y):
40*(0.5-(x*x + y*y))
let grate = -cos (x*20*pi)/2 + 0.5 in grate @ (40*(0.5-(x*x + y*y)))
I used a similar principle in constructing the example at the very top of this page. Note my rotations are specified in degrees, so the interpreter has to convert them to radians before giving them as arguments to sin and cos. You are free to use degrees, radians, fractions of a circle, or whatever other units you wish.
Add a time dimension in order to create animations. For example, you can add another special variable t representing time, and change your interpreter so it now returns a function that expects three Double arguments (time, x, and y). The variable t allows you to describe arbitrary images that change over time. For example,
(1-t) * blue + t * red
might describe an animation which smoothly shifts from blue to red over the course of 1 second.
If you want to do this extension, I can provide you with some Haskell code to turn such functions into animated GIF images.
Add a fourth component to your colors in order to specify an alpha, i.e. transparency channel. Most likely, however, you will want to retain the ability to describe normal, opaque colors as well, so you will want a bit of subtyping magic, e.g. perhaps [0.1, 0.2, 0.3] is automatically treated as if it were [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0].
[0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0]
Add complex numbers. For example, you can add a special constant i as well as a variable z which has the value x + i*y. This extension is interesting from a typing point of view: probably you would want a new type for complex numbers, with real numbers as a subtype. Some functions such as abs and the arithmetic operators work on both real and complex numbers; but some things like comparisons can only be done on reals, and colors can only be created from real numbers.
x + i*y
Mumble mumble Möbius transforms something something mumble?
Once you have added let-expressions and geometric scaling, you could try making let-expressions recursive (i.e. let x = q1 in q2 binds x in q1 as well as q2), in order to be able to produce fractal images. This can easily lead to infinite recursion, so you will have to add something to your interpreter to keep track of the current scaling factor, so it can cut off the recursion when the scaling factor gets sufficiently small (i.e. when further recursion would produce details smaller than one pixel).
let x = q1 in q2
Add functions and function types. This is nontrivial but results in a much more expressive language. For example, instead of just giving individual images a name, you can give names to common operations on images and apply them multiple times.