Paper 1: Social Media

Open your preferred word-processing software (Word, Notes, Google Docs), and do not change the margins, font choice, or font size.

Write a one-page reflection paper on the habits and patterns you generate while using social media, walking through a typical day of your interactions.

Here are some questions to get you started on your reflection, these are meant as a guide and not a checklist. What sites or apps do you use frequently and when do you use them? How often do you post versus consume? Are your posts generally set to be public, private, or somewhere in-between? How well do you know everyone in your network? What draws you to or pushes you away from interacting with social media? After using social media, do you feel better, worse, happy, upset, etc?

Print your paper and bring a copy with you to class on August 26th, 2022 to submit.