
Module 11: IMP

  • Write your team names here:

In this module we are going to model a simple imperative language called IMP.

The IMP language

The syntax of the language is as follows:

<prog> ::= <stmt> [ ';' <stmt> ]*

<stmt> ::=
  | <type> <var>                               // variable declaration
  | <var> ':=' <expr>                          // assignment
  | '{' <prog> '}'                             // block
  | 'if' <expr> 'then' <stmt> 'else' <stmt>    // if-statement
  | 'repeat' <expr> <stmt>                     // repeat loop
  | 'while' <expr> <stmt>                      // while loop
  | 'input' <var>                              // input statement
  | 'output' <expr>                            // output statement

<type> ::= 'int' | 'bool'

<expr> ::=
  | <int>
  | 'False'
  | 'True'
  | <var>
  | <uop> <expr>
  | <expr> <bop> <expr>

<uop> ::= '-' | '!'

<bop> ::= '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '&&' | '||' | '<' | '=='

Notice that the syntax is separated into expressions and statements. The difference is that

  • expressions can be evaluated, and result in a value (e.g. an integer), whereas

  • statements can be executed, and result in an effect (e.g. modifying some variables or printing some output).

Most imperative languages have this distinction between expressions and statements (though some blur the line quite a bit).

Note that a <prog> consists of a sequence of statements, separated by (not ended by) semicolons. A compound (block) statement can be created by surrounding a <prog> with curly braces.

Here is an example of a simple IMP program, which reads an integer from the user and then counts from 1 up to the integer, printing the values to the screen:

int max; int i;
input max;
i := 0;
while i < max {
  i := i + 1;
  output i

In order to focus on the parts that are interesting and different, this week I have provided you with some starter code. First, some imports we will need.

{-# LANGUAGE GADTSyntax        #-}

import           Parsing2

import qualified Data.Map           as M
import           Text.Read          (readMaybe)
import           System.Environment (getArgs)

We now define algebraic data types for the abstract syntax of IMP. Note that we have two separate types, one for statements and one for expressions.

type Var = String

type Prog = [Stmt]

data Type where
  TyInt  :: Type
  TyBool :: Type
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data Stmt where
  Decl   :: Type -> Var -> Stmt           -- <type> <var>
  Assign :: Var  -> Expr -> Stmt          -- <var> ':=' <expr>
  Block  :: Prog -> Stmt                  -- '{' <prog> '}'
  If     :: Expr -> Stmt -> Stmt -> Stmt  -- 'if' <expr> 'then' <stmt> 'else' <stmt>
  Repeat :: Expr -> Stmt -> Stmt          -- 'repeat' <expr> <stmt>
  While  :: Expr -> Stmt -> Stmt          -- 'while' <expr> <stmt>
  Input  :: Var  -> Stmt                  -- 'input' <var>
  Output :: Expr -> Stmt                  -- 'output' <expr>
  deriving Show

data Expr where
  EInt  :: Integer -> Expr                -- <int>
  EBool :: Bool    -> Expr                -- 'False' | 'True'
  EVar  :: Var -> Expr                    -- <var>
  EUn   :: UOp -> Expr -> Expr            -- <uop> <expr>
  EBin  :: BOp -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr    -- <expr> <bop> <expr>
  deriving Show

data UOp = Neg | Not
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data BOp = Add | Sub | Mul | Div | And | Or | Equals | Less
  deriving (Show, Eq)


Now, a parser for IMP. You are welcome to skim through it, but there’s nothing really surprising going on.

lexer :: TokenParser u
lexer = makeTokenParser $
  { reservedNames   = [ "True", "False", "if", "then", "else", "begin", "end"
                        , "repeat", "while", "input", "output", "int", "bool" ]
  , reservedOpNames = [ ":=", "==", "<", "+", "-", "*", "!", "&&", "||"  ]

parens :: Parser a -> Parser a
parens = getParens lexer

reserved, reservedOp :: String -> Parser ()
reserved   = getReserved lexer
reservedOp = getReservedOp lexer

symbol :: String -> Parser String
symbol = getSymbol lexer

ident :: Parser String
ident = getIdentifier lexer

integer :: Parser Integer
integer = getInteger lexer

whiteSpace :: Parser ()
whiteSpace = getWhiteSpace lexer

parseAtom :: Parser Expr
  =   EInt        <$> integer
  <|> EBool True  <$  reserved "True"
  <|> EBool False <$  reserved "False"
  <|> EVar        <$> ident
  <|> parens parseExpr

parseExpr :: Parser Expr
parseExpr = buildExpressionParser table parseAtom
    table = [ [ unary  "!"  (EUn Not) ]
            , [ unary  "-"  (EUn Neg) ]
            , [ binary "*"  (EBin Mul)    AssocLeft
              , binary "/"  (EBin Div)    AssocLeft ]
            , [ binary "+"  (EBin Add)    AssocLeft
              , binary "-"  (EBin Sub)    AssocLeft
            , [ binary "==" (EBin Equals) AssocNone
              , binary "<"  (EBin Less)   AssocNone
            , [ binary "&&" (EBin And)    AssocRight ]
            , [ binary "||" (EBin Or)     AssocRight ]
    unary  name fun       = Prefix (fun <$ reservedOp name)
    binary name fun assoc = Infix  (fun <$ reservedOp name) assoc

parseProg :: Parser Prog
parseProg = parseStmt `sepBy` (reservedOp ";")

parseStmt :: Parser Stmt
parseStmt =
  <|> If      <$> (reserved "if" *> parseExpr)
              <*> (reserved "then" *> parseStmt)
              <*> (reserved "else" *> parseStmt)
  <|> Repeat  <$> (reserved "repeat" *> parseExpr) <*> parseBlock
  <|> While   <$> (reserved "while" *> parseExpr)  <*> parseBlock
  <|> Input   <$> (reserved "input" *> ident)
  <|> Output  <$> (reserved "output" *> parseExpr)
  <|> Assign  <$> ident <*> (reservedOp ":=" *> parseExpr)
  <|> Decl    <$> parseType <*> ident

parseType :: Parser Type
parseType = (TyInt <$ reserved "int") <|> (TyBool <$ reserved "bool")

parseBlock :: Parser Stmt
parseBlock = Block  <$> (symbol "{" *> parseProg <* symbol "}")

impParser :: Parser Prog
impParser = whiteSpace *> parseProg <* eof

Type checking expressions

Next, a static type checker. First, some errors:

data TypeError where
  DuplicateVar :: Var -> TypeError
  UndefinedVar :: Var  -> TypeError
  Mismatch     :: Expr -> Type -> Type -> TypeError
  InputBool    :: Var  -> TypeError
  deriving Show

showTyError :: TypeError -> String
showTyError (DuplicateVar x) = "Duplicate variable declaration: " ++ x
showTyError (UndefinedVar x) = "Variable used before declaration: " ++ x
showTyError (Mismatch e ty1 ty2) =
    [ "Type mismatch in expression " ++ show e
    , "  expected " ++ show ty1
    , "  but got " ++ show ty2 ++ " instead."
showTyError (InputBool x) = "Cannot 'input' a boolean variable."

Now let’s infer the type of expressions.

type Ctx = M.Map Var Type

infer :: Ctx -> Expr -> Either TypeError Type
infer _   (EInt _)        = Right TyInt   -- Integers have type int
infer _   (EBool _)       = Right TyBool  -- Booleans have type bool
infer ctx (EVar x)        =               -- Look up the type of variables
  case M.lookup x ctx of                  --   in the context
    Nothing -> Left $ UndefinedVar x
    Just ty -> Right ty
infer ctx (EBin op e1 e2) = inferBin ctx op e1 e2   -- Call helper functions for
infer ctx (EUn op e)      = inferUn ctx op e        -- binary & unary operators

The binTy function gives the expected input types and the output type of each binary operator.

binTy :: BOp -> (Type, Type, Type)  -- (input1, input2, output)
binTy op
  | op `elem` [Add, Sub, Mul, Div] = (TyInt, TyInt, TyInt)
  | op `elem` [And, Or]            = (TyBool, TyBool, TyBool)
  | op `elem` [Equals, Less]       = (TyInt, TyInt, TyBool)
  | otherwise                      = error "Unhandled operator in binTy"

To infer the type of a binary operator application, e1 op e2, we ask for the type of the operator, check that e1 and e2 have the right types, then return the operator’s output type.

inferBin :: Ctx -> BOp -> Expr -> Expr -> Either TypeError Type
inferBin ctx op e1 e2 =
  case binTy op of
    (ty1, ty2, tyOut) ->
      check ctx e1 ty1 *>
      check ctx e2 ty2 *>
      Right tyOut

Inferring the type of a unary operator application is similar.

unTy :: UOp -> (Type, Type)
unTy Neg = (TyInt, TyInt)
unTy Not = (TyBool, TyBool)

inferUn :: Ctx -> UOp -> Expr -> Either TypeError Type
inferUn ctx op e =
  case unTy op of
    (tyIn, tyOut) ->
      check ctx e tyIn *>
      Right tyOut

Finally, to check the type of an expression, we just infer its type and make sure it’s the type we wanted.

check :: Ctx -> Expr -> Type -> Either TypeError ()
check ctx e ty =
  infer ctx e >>= \ty' ->
  case ty == ty' of
    False -> Left $ Mismatch e ty ty'
    True  -> Right ()

Type checking statements

Now it’s finally your turn to write some code! For checking programs, we just go through and check each statement. The interesting difference is that because statements can create variables, which are in scope for the rest of the program, both checkProg and checkStmt not only take a context as an argument but also return a new context as output.

  • Complete the definition of checkProg below. It should just call checkStmt to check an individual statement (and call itself recursively to check the rest). Be careful about which context is used where! For example, think about the program

    int a;
    a := 5;

    This should type check, because the statement int a creates a context in which a has type Int, and the statement a := 5 should be checked in this new context.

checkProg :: Ctx -> Prog -> Either TypeError Ctx
checkProg ctx []     = undefined
checkProg ctx (s:ss) = undefined

And now for checkStmt, which checks an individual statement. Fill in all the undefined places below!

checkStmt :: Ctx -> Stmt -> Either TypeError Ctx
  • To check a declaration (e.g. int x), first make sure the variable is not already in the context (throw a DuplicateVar error if it is); otherwise, insert the new variable into the context with the given type.
checkStmt ctx (Decl ty x)  = undefined
  • To check an assignment (x := expr), make sure the variable is in the context (variables have to be declared before use; throw an UndefinedVar error if it isn’t), and then check that the expression has the right type.
checkStmt ctx (Assign x e) = undefined

Now we come to checking blocks of the form { <prog> }. In one sense, this is easy, since we can just call checkProg. However, there is one subtle thing to think about. Here are two possible different implementations of this case, call them A and B:

(A) checkStmt ctx (Block ss)   = checkProg ctx ss >>= \ctx' -> Right ctx'

(B) checkStmt ctx (Block ss)   = checkProg ctx ss *> Right ctx
  • What is the difference between these two implementations?

  • Consider the following IMP program:

      int x;
      x := 2
    output x

    Will this program typecheck given implementation (A)? What about implementation (B)?

  • Which implementation corresponds to the way Java works? Fill in that implementation below:

checkStmt ctx (Block ss)   = undefined

Checking if, repeat, and while is straightforward. Note that we take a similar approach to contexts as we did for blocks above. Take a look at the implementations of if and repeat, then fill in the implementation for while.

checkStmt ctx (If e s1 s2) =
  check ctx e TyBool *>
  checkStmt ctx s1 *>
  checkStmt ctx s2 *>
  Right ctx
checkStmt ctx (Repeat e body) =
  check ctx e TyInt *>
  checkStmt ctx body *>
  Right ctx
checkStmt ctx (While e body)  =

Checking input and output statements is straightforward: we can only input and output variables with type int.

checkStmt ctx (Input v)    =
  case M.lookup v ctx of
    Nothing    -> Left $ UndefinedVar v
    Just TyInt -> Right ctx
    Just _     -> Left $ InputBool v
checkStmt ctx (Output e)   =
  check ctx e TyInt *> Right ctx

You can use the below function to test your typechecking code. I have provided you with a few IMP programs for testing. all.imp should typecheck successfully; err1.imp through err5.imp should each generate an error. Be sure to test before moving on to the next section!

typecheck :: FilePath -> IO ()
typecheck fileName = do
  s <- readFile fileName
  case parse impParser s of
    Left err -> print err
    Right p  ->
      case checkProg M.empty p of
        Left tyErr -> putStrLn (showTyError tyErr)
        Right _    -> putStrLn "Typechecked successfully."

An IMPterpreter

  • ROTATE ROLES and write the name of the new driver here:

Let’s define a Value to just be an Integer. As usual, if everything has type checked successfully, we can use Integer to represent both integers and booleans, without worrying about nonsensical operations.

type Value = Integer

A “memory” is a mapping from variable names to values. In the past we have called this an “environment”, but we use the name “memory” now to emphasize the fact that it keeps track of the values of mutable variables, which can be changed by assignment statements.

type Mem = M.Map Var Value

We interpret expressions as usual. There’s nothing very interesting to see here (though you may pick up a few tricks for use in your own projects).

interpExpr :: Mem -> Expr -> Value
interpExpr _ (EInt i)       = i
interpExpr _ (EBool b)      = fromBool b
interpExpr m (EVar x)       =
  case M.lookup x m of
    Just v  -> v
    Nothing -> error $ "Impossible! Uninitialized variable " ++ x
interpExpr m (EBin b e1 e2) = interpBOp b (interpExpr m e1) (interpExpr m e2)
interpExpr m (EUn  u e)     = interpUOp u (interpExpr m e )

interpUOp :: UOp -> Value -> Value
interpUOp Neg v = -v
interpUOp Not v = 1-v

interpBOp :: BOp -> Value -> Value -> Value
interpBOp Add    = (+)
interpBOp Sub    = (-)
interpBOp Mul    = (*)
interpBOp Div    = div
interpBOp And    = (*)
interpBOp Or     = \v1 v2 -> min 1 (v1 + v2)
interpBOp Equals = \v1 v2 -> fromBool (v1 == v2)
interpBOp Less   = \v1 v2 -> fromBool (v1 <  v2)

fromBool :: Bool -> Value
fromBool False = 0
fromBool True  = 1

OK, now we have dealt with expressions. But how do we interpret statements?

  • Our first instinct might be to write a function of type interpStmt :: Mem -> Stmt -> Value. Explain why this will not work.

Remember that an interpreter turns syntax into semantics, that is, it takes an abstract syntax tree and produces its meaning. So the question to ask ourselves is: what is the meaning of a statement?

The meaning of a statement is an effect: a statement changes the “state of the world” in some way, or possibly throws an error. We can model this as a function which takes the current state of the world and (possibly) produces a new state. That is, an interpreter for statements will have the type Stmt -> (World -> Maybe World) for some appropriate type World.

data World where
  W  :: Mem       -- Current state of memory
     -> [String]  -- Strings typed by the user, waiting to be read by 'input'
     -> [String]  -- Strings produced by 'output' (newest first)
     -> World
  deriving Show

-- An initial world state, given user input
initWorld :: String -> World
initWorld inp = W M.empty (words inp) []
  • Fill in the definition of interpStmt below. You may want to define helper functions like interpRepeat and interpProg; feel free to define other helper functions as you see fit. Note to interpret input statements, you can use readMaybe :: String -> Maybe Integer to check whether the user input is valid integer; if not, produce Nothing.
interpStmt :: Stmt -> World -> Maybe World
interpStmt = undefined

interpRepeat :: Integer -> Stmt -> World -> Maybe World
interpRepeat = undefined

interpProg :: Prog -> World -> Maybe World
interpProg = undefined

Programming in IMP

  • ROTATE ROLES and write the name of the new driver here:

At this point, you can use the provided run function to execute IMP programs. run takes the name of a file containing an IMP program and parses, type checks, and interprets it, printing an appropriate summary of the resulting World (output + ending variable values).

  • Save this example program into a file named count.imp and run your IMP interpreter on it:

    int max; int i;
    input max;
    i := 0;
    while i < max {
      i := i + 1;
      output i
  • Write an IMP program to compute the factorial of a number entered by the user.

  • Write an IMP program to compute the GCD of two numbers entered by the user.

You should feel free to write other example IMP programs to test your implementation as well.

Extending IMP

  • ROTATE ROLES and write the name of the new driver here:

  • Name one things you found particularly annoying about writing IMP programs in the previous section.

  • Fix it! Add a new feature to IMP to address your annoyance.

  • Rewrite your example programs to make use of your new feature.


  • How long would you estimate that you spent working on this module?

  • Were any parts particularly confusing or difficult?

  • Were any parts particularly fun or interesting?

  • Record here any other questions, comments, or suggestions for improvement.

Some extra definitions (feel free to ignore)

formatWorld :: Maybe World -> String
formatWorld (Just (W m _ o)) = unlines $
     reverse o
  ++ ["-----"]
  ++ map formatVar (M.assocs m)
formatWorld Nothing = "Error"

formatVar (x,v) = x ++ " -> " ++ show v

run :: String -> IO ()
run fileName = do
  s <- readFile fileName
  case parse impParser s of
    Left err -> print err
    Right p  ->
      case checkProg M.empty p of
        Left tyErr -> putStrLn (showTyError tyErr)
        Right _    -> do
          inp <- getContents
          let es = interpProg p (initWorld inp)
          putStr $ formatWorld es

main :: IO ()
main = do
  args <- getArgs
  case args of
    []     -> putStrLn "Please provide a file name."
    (fn:_) -> run fn