
Module 04a: Syntax (grammars, ASTs, and parsers)

  • Write your team names here:

  • You may again choose whoever you want to start as the driver. Write your choice here:


  • Be sure that your module loads into GHCi with no errors before turning it in.
  • Write in complete sentences, with capital letters and punctuation. Presentation matters!

Some examples

Example 1

<mirror> ::= '.'
           | 'L' <mirror> 'R'

Example strings that match <mirror>:


Example strings that do not match <mirror>:


Example 2

<tree> ::= '#'
         | '(' <tree> ')'
         | '(' <tree> <tree> ')'

Example strings that match <tree>:


Example strings that do not match <tree>:


Example 3

<digit>   ::= '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9'
<natural> ::= <digit> | <digit> <natural>
<integer> ::= <natural> | '-' <natural>

Example strings that match <integer>:


Example strings that do not match <integer>:

  • For each of <mirror>, <tree>, and <integer>, give three more examples of strings that match, and three more examples that do not match.

  • What does | mean? (Note for this question and the next: this is not Haskell syntax! Just say what you think these notations mean based on the examples above.)

  • What is the difference between something in single quotes (like ’*’) and something in angle brackets (like <tree>)?

The things in single quotes are usually called terminals, and the things in brackets are called nonterminals. These sorts of definitions are known as (context-free) grammars, written in Backus-Naur Form or Backus Normal Form (BNF), named for John Backus and Peter Naur.

  • In what context was BNF first developed?

  • What else are John Backus and Peter Naur known for?

Now, back to your regularly scheduled grammars…

  • Does <natural> match the empty string ""? Why or why not?

  • An alternative, equivalent way to define <natural> is as follows:

      <natural> ::= <digit>+

    Given that this is equivalent to the original definition, what do you think + means?

Technically this sort of + notation was not included in the original form of BNF, but it is a common extension.

  • <natural> ::= <digit>* would match all the same strings as <digit>+, but also matches the empty string. What do you think * means in this context?

  • Describe how to modify the definition of <natural> so it does not allow unnecessary leading zeroes. That is, "203" should still match but "0023" should not; however, "0" should still be a valid <natural>. If you wish, you can also introduce more definitions or modify definitions besides <natural>.

  • Write down a grammar (as concisely as possible) that matches all these strings:


    …but does not match any of these strings:


Mirror, mirror

  • ROTATE ROLES and write the name of the new driver here:
  • Write down three different example values of type Mirror.

  • Try calling prettyMirror on your example Mirror values above, and record the results.

  • For this language, how are the concrete syntax (represented by the grammar <mirror>) and abstract syntax (represented by the data type Mirror) different?

  • Try calling parseMirror on five different example inputs. An example input can be any String. Try to pick a variety of examples that show the range of behavior of parseMirror. Record the results here.

  • Describe the behavior of parseMirror. Your answer should refer to the grammar <mirror>.

  • Why does parseMirror return a (Mirror, String) pair instead of just a Mirror? (Hint: if you are not sure, try writing a function parseMirror2 :: String -> Mirror which behaves the same as parseMirror but does not return the extra String.)

  • Modify parseMirror so that it has type String -> Maybe (Mirror, String) and never crashes. Instead of crashing on inputs that do not match <mirror>, it should return Nothing. Call your modified function parseMirrorSafe and write it below.