Lab 8: ASP.NET Razor Pages


This lab will introduce you to the ASP.NET framework for creating interactive web applications.

Step 1

Complete the Razor Pages Web App with ASP.NET Core tutorial.

When given a choice, use SQLite (even though it recommends against it …) as your database. This will better prepare you to begin collaborating with your teammates across different operating system platforms.

Step 2

Create a new repository on Github titled csci340lab8. Clone this repository to your local computer, and use this directory to make a new Razor Pages application to record something that interests you. Be sure to commit and push your edits at multiple points in each step of your work.

You should only have one data model as shown in the tutorial, but don’t worry, we’ll become more familiar with complicated structures in the next lab.

What to Hand In

Write a post on your Jekyll Github blog that reflects on your work on this lab. What were the easiest parts of the tutorial? What were confusing parts of the tutorial? What was difficult to translate when creating your own application in Step 2? What parallels and differences do you see between the Jekyll framework and the Razor framework? How confident do you feel making another Razor application?

In your blog post, be sure to include a link to your GitHub repository for the application you created in Step 2.


To Partially Complete this lab, you must

  • post your code on your GitHub account
  • complete Step 1 with the Movie database

To Complete this lab, you must do the above and

  • post your code in the correct directory through your GitHub pages account
  • choose a different domain for your data model
  • make regular and sensible commits to GitHub
  • include a thoughtful reflection on your blog