Lab 9: Entity Framework


This lab will expand on your understanding of the ASP.NET framework, adding in multiple tables and queries, and managing concurrency.

Step 1

Complete the Razor Pages with Entity Framework Core tutorial by creating a csci340lab9 repository for your code on Github.

Again, when given a choice, use SQLite (even though it recommends against it …) as your database. This will better prepare you to begin collaborating with your teammates across different operating system platforms.

Keep selecting the Visual Studio Code option, this is the way to get the tutorial to show you SQLite.

Step 2

As you work through this tutorial, you will want to make some changes to solidify your knowledge and push beyond the copy-paste.

  • Rename the “Consoto University” to a name of your choice.
  • Add an Age field to the Student entity.
  • Add I and W options to the Grade enum
  • Allow the student page to be sorted by Age in addition to LastName and Date

These changes will need to be carried through the whole tutorial, be sure to note everywhere that is affected.

What to Hand In

Write a post on your Jekyll Github blog that reflects on your work on this lab. What were the easiest parts of the tutorial? What were confusing parts of the tutorial? What was difficult about working with multiple tables as opposed to the single table in the previous lab? How prepared do you feel to create your team project now for your client, and what will be different for your situation?


To Partially Complete this lab, you must

  • post your code on your GitHub account
  • complete Step 1 with the Consoto University database

To Complete this lab, you must do the above and

  • post your code in the correct directory through your GitHub pages account
  • make the modifications requested in Step 2
  • make regular and sensible commits to GitHub
  • include a thoughtful reflection on your blog