Lab 5: Bootstrap Templates
In this lab, you will alter a Bootstrap template to rework one of your earlier assignments.
Now that you are comfortable with how HTML, CSS, Jekyll, and Javascript, it is time to revisit your earlier work.
There are many professional templates available freely on the web that demonstrate excellent use of Bootstrap, for either single-page websites, or static-site generators. A few of them are linked above. These are either downloadable as a zip file, or forkable from GitHub.
Choose either your webpage from Lab 1, your Jekyll blog from Labs 2 and 3, or your JavaScript AJAX website from Lab 4. Find a suitable professional template, and modify the template so that it is a reworking of your original lab. This will inquire some investating on your part, to learn how each particular template works and what you will need to change to execute your idea.
Create a csci340lab5
directory for this work, and place your code here so it can be viewed on the web.
To Partially Complete this lab, you must
- post your code to your GitHub account
- alter a template to use the content from a previous lab
To Complete this lab, you must do the above and
- make regular and sensible commits to GitHub
- make substantial effort to modify the template (colors, background images, sections) to fully integrate your earlier lab content.