Lab 10: Azure Remote Hosting


This lab will extend your understanding of the ASP.NET framework to allow for remote hosting of both the database and website.

Step 1

As a team, complete the Build an ASP.NET Core and Azure SQL Database app in Azure App Service tutorial.

One member of your project team should create the fork as described in the tutorial, naming it csci340lab10 for your code on Github, and add each of the other members of your team to this repository.

Step 2

Divide up your team into smaller groups. Each group will take the lead on implementing the following sections of the tutorial, and report back to the group when the necessary updates have been made.

  • Create production SQL Database
  • Deploy app to Azure

As a full team, use the deployed web app to add items to your todo list, and explore the “Manage your Azure app” screens.

What to Hand In

Write a post on your Jekyll Github blog that reflects on your work on this lab. What were the easiest parts of the tutorial? What were confusing parts of the tutorial? How did your team divide up the work? What communication skills did you build coordinating with your team on a common code base for this lab? Provide a link to your remote project running on the Azure servers.


To Partially Complete this lab, you must

  • fork the repository to your GitHub account
  • complete Step 1 and 2 of the tutorial to set up the Azure account

To Complete this lab, you must do the above and

  • successfully execute the GitHub action to have the application visible on the web at
  • include a thoughtful reflection on your blog, which details your personal contribution to this lab