Project 11: Projects 10/11 B,C,D guide

To complete Projects 10/11 B,C,D you will finish the compiler in stages. At each stage, only implement parsing and code generation for the productions sufficient for completing the given test case. For a complete list of grammar productions, see the table of “The Jack grammar” in your textbook (in the 2nd edition, Figure 10.5 on page 201).

Some of these test cases are included in the nand2tetris distribution. Others are custom test cases we provide; the titles of custom test cases include hyperlinks to the ZIP files containing their source code in Jack.

Project 10/11B


To compile Three, you need to generate code for the following symbols:

  • class
  • subroutineDec (ignore parameterList)
  • subroutineBody (functions only)
  • statements
  • doStatement
  • returnStatement (may ignore return value)
  • subroutineCall (functions only)
  • expressionList
  • expression
  • term (specifically integerConstant)


To compile Seven, you need to generate code for the following additional symbols:

  • term (parenthesized expressions)
  • op (specifically + and *)

Project 10/11C


To compile AlphaWhere, you need to generate code for the following additional symbols:

  • varDec
  • letStatement (ignore arrays)
  • ifStatement
  • term (specifically true, false, and varName for locals)
  • op (specifically - and <)

Note: You will need to create a symbol table data structure to keep track of your local variables.


To compile AlphaShow, you need to generate code for the following additional symbols:

  • varDec (specifically, more than one variable of the same type on a line)
  • whileStatement
  • term (specifically the ~ unary operator)
  • op (specifically >)


To compile Factorial, you need to generate code for the following additional symbols:

  • subroutineDec (with paramaterList)
  • returnStatement (with return expression)
  • term (specifically, varName for arguments and stringConstant)
  • op (specifically =)


NOTE: The provided ConvertToBin is difficult to use. We recommend using this modified version (Main.jack), which uses keyboard input and prints to the screen, rather than relying on RAM hacking. Note that it prints its binary result with the least significant bit on the left (reversed in comparison to how you would typically write a binary number).

To compile ConvertToBin, you need to generate code for the following additional symbols:

  • varDec (specifically multiple var declarations of different data types)
  • letStatement (specifically modification of parameter values)
  • subroutineDec (with paramaterList that has multiple parameters)
  • op (specifically &)

Project 10/11D


To compile Average, you need to generate code for the following additional symbols:

  • letStatement (with arrays)
  • term (specifically varName with array lookup)
  • op (specifically division)


To compile ComplexArray, you will additionally need to generate code for:

  • term (specifically null)

In theory, other than that, ComplexArray should compile if Average compiles. It is a much tougher test case, though. Make sure that the destination of the expression in a let statement does not have THAT inadvertently overwritten; your book has a detailed discussion of this problem with a suggestion of how to do it correctly.


To compile Square, the compiler should be completely finished, except for static variables. Pay particular attention to the following:

  • classVarDec (fields only, although statics are not difficult to handle at the same time)
  • subroutineCall (for methods)
    • this will need to be the first argument.
    • Be especially careful when calling a method from another method in the same class.
  • subroutineBody (for constructors and methods)
    • Constructors will need to allocate memory for the new object.
    • For methods, this should be the first argument.
    • For both methods and constructors, this segment needs to be properly set up at the start of the body.


To compile Pong, the compiler should handle static class variables, unary -, and binary |.