Project 9: High-level programming

  • Description: Complete Project 9 on by designing and implementing an application to run on the Hack platform, using the Jack language.

  • What to turn in:

    • You are strongly encouraged (but not required) to run your idea(s) by me so I can give you feedback and help you choose something with an appropriate level of difficulty.

    • For the finished project itself, turn in a .zip or .tgz file containing all the .jack files necessary to run your application.

  • Specification: To get credit for this project, you must meet the following requirements:

    • Your project must contain at least two .jack files.

    • Your project must compile and run successfully.

    • Your project must be at least 100 lines of Jack code, not counting blank lines and comments.

    • Your project should accomplish something interesting (for example, you cannot fulfill the above specification simply by writing a 100-line program that prints the number 5 repeatedly). If you are unsure whether your project meets this criterion, please ask.