Project 8: VM II: Program Control

  • Description: Complete Project 8 on by extending your VM-to-Hack translator from Project 7.

  • What to turn in: Turn in all files necessary for running your VM-to-Hack translator.

  • Specification: To get credit for this project, you must complete a working VM-to-Hack translator and pass the last three tests (NestedCall.tst, FibonacciElement.tst, StaticsTest.tst).

    • NOTE that the first three tests (BasicLoop.tst, FibonacciSeries.tst, and SimpleFunction.tst) will no longer work once you change your translator to generate bootstrap code. This is OK. Just make sure you pass all three tests before adding the bootstrap code, then afterwards focus on getting the final three tests to work.

      NestedCall.tst will work with or without bootstrap code. The last two (FibonacciElement.tst and StaticsTest.tst) will only work with bootstrap code.

  • Hints: Remember that the assembler can handle comments! Feel free to write your VM translator so that it outputs comments interspersed with assembly code, to help read the output, understand where the different bits of assembly code are coming from, and what they are trying to accomplish.