Project 6: Assembler

  • Description: Complete Project 6 on

  • What to turn in: Turn in all files necessary for running your assembler.

  • Hints:

    • Note that the test cases for this project are not automated! You will need to manually test each of your assembled programs to make sure they work and are identical to those produced by the provided assembler. You can run the .hack files produced by your assembler in the CPU emulator. To test that the .hack files output by your assembler are identical to those produced by the nand2tetris assembler, see the end of Chapter 6 for an explanation of how to use the provided assembler to load both the original .asm file as well as your assembler’s output .hack file and test that the results are identical.

    • You are strongly encouraged to complete your assembler in phases; in each phase, implement just enough to get the assembler to work on the next test case. Do the test cases in the following order. Start by ignoring labels entirely:

      • Add.asm
      • MaxL.asm
      • RectL.asm
      • PongL.asm
      • Finally, handle labels and get Max.asm, Rect.asm, and Pong.asm to work.
  • Specification: To get credit for this project, you must complete a working assembler program and pass the provided tests (Add.asm, Max.asm, Rect.asm, Pong.asm): in particular, given these files as input, your assembler must produce identical output to that of the assembler provided with the nand2tetris software suite. Note that your solution will not officially be tested on the L variants (MaxL.asm, RectL.asm, PongL.asm) although you are encouraged to start with those.

    To facilitate testing, your assembler must accept an assembly file name as a command-line parameter and automatically write its output to a new file with the same name but an extension of .hack instead of .asm. If you are not sure how to do this, please ask!