Project 2: Boolean arithmetic

  • Description:
    • Complete Project 2 on
    • Additionally, implement an Or16Way chip, using the files linked below (you can download them and place them in the same folder as the other project 2 files). You may find this chip helpful in completing the rest of the project.
    • In particular, I suggest you first complete HalfAdder, FullAdder, Add16, Inc16, and ALU-basic (ALU-basic.tst is just a test file for ALU.hdl which ignores the zr and ng output bits); then implement Or16Way, and finally finish the zr and ng output bits for ALU and test with ALU.tst.
  • What to turn in: Turn in all your .hdl files, one for each chip, including Or16Way.hdl. There should be 6 in all (HalfAdder, FullAdder, Add16, Inc16, Or16Way, ALU).

  • Specification: To get credit for this project, you must complete all 6 chips and pass the tests for each.