Project 5: Web Server

Write a command-line program called webserver.

  • Source file: src/bin/ in the part1 project.

This program will listen for http requests on port 8888. To achieve this, you will set up a TcpListener that is bound to localhost:8888.

Step 1: Listen

When your server receives a connection, it should print the IP address of the peer that contacted it. Open a second shell, then test it using wget as follows:

wget http://localhost:8888/test

Since wget is running on the same machine, you can send the message to localhost and it will look for a server on the local machine. Since the server is not actually going to send any data, the filename doesn’t matter. Using http avoids a panic when it does not receive a TLS secured connection.

Note that you can also make this request using your web browser. Just paste http://localhost:8888/test into its URL bar.

Step 2: Display Message

Refine your program as follows:

  • Whenever it receives a connection, the program should spawn a new thread to handle the connection.
  • In this new thread, it should await a message from the client. Create a mutable String to store the accumulated message. Then, within a loop:
    • Use read() with a 500-byte buffer.
    • Use std::str::from_utf8 to convert the buffer into a &str.
    • Use the push_str() method to append it to the accumulated message.
    • As the client is awaiting a reply, it will not close the connection. Even after it finishes its transmission, the read() will still block, waiting for more data. Since the http protocol specifies that a client’s message ends with the character sequence \r\n\r\n, once the accumulated message contains that sequence, the loop can end. As some clients end with \n\n, the http specification allows servers to end with that sequence too.
  • It should then print the message it received.

In the above example, it would print somemthing akin to the following:

client IP address:                                                                                      
Read 54 bytes from                       
GET /test HTTP/1.1                                     
Host: localhost                                                                                                         
Connection: Close

Step 3: Respond

Once the client message is received, the server should reply to the client with the following:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: [Number of bytes in HTML message]

<h1>Message received</h1>
Requested file: [Insert file request element of the GET here]<br>

In our example from earlier, the response would be:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 82

<h1>Message received</h1>
Requested file: /test<br>

I recommend testing your server at this stage using your web browser, so you can see the result of rendering the HTML.

Step 4: Validate File Requests

In principle, a web server can send any file on the machine it is running to anyone on the Internet. To prevent this, we need to validate the file requests. The requested file will be assumed to be relative to the current working directory for the executing server. The server should determine the absolute path of the resulting file and guarantee that it is subordinate to the server’s current working directory.

The PathBuf data type has several methods that you may find helpful in validating the file request.

If the file does not exist, send a message with the header HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found. If the file exists but it violates our security policy, send a message with the header HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden.

In practice, if the file requested by the client is a directory, it will return the file index.html from within that directory. For this assignment, it is acceptable to return HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found if the client requests a directory.

Step 5: Counter

Maintain two counters:

  • Total number of requests.
  • Total number of valid requests.

Whenever the server answers a client request, it will add one to the total-request counter. If the client request is valid, it will also add one to the valid-request counter.

You can store these as two separate variables, or you can aggregate them into a single struct. Because each client thread will need to access them, they will need to be wrapped with an Arc and a Mutex.

The server should print the counts to the command line every time it receives a request.

Step 6: Send files

If the request is valid, and the request is for a file, the server should send back the contents of the file. You may assume that all requested files are text files.

Step 7: Creating Benchmarks

Use to test the performance of your server. This program allows you to write Python scripts to describe workload tests. It will then spawn as many test users as you would like. Install it on the command line on a machine with Python3 installed:

python3 -m pip install locust

Windows Subsystem for Linux only: If that command yields an error message, try the following first (in bash):

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-pip

(You can also install it directly from PyCharm, but the locust command-line program will not be readily invocable.)

Once it is installed, you can write a Python program as a configuration file. For example:

from locust import HttpUser, task

class WebsiteUser(HttpUser):
    def f100(self):

    def f1000(self):

This program issues GET requests for the files file100.html and file1000.html. It issues requests for file100.html twice as often as requests for file1000.html.

To run a test using the above program (named, assuming a server running on your own machine and listening to port 8888, type:

locust -f --host=http://localhost:8888

When you execute this, the UI for the program will be viewable through your web browser at http://localhost:8089/. From there, you specify the number of users to simulate and the number of users created per second. The test will continue indefinitely until you stop it. It will give you a nice summary of the test results.

Devise at least three different performance workloads using Feel free to use these files of varying sizes in creating your performance workloads.


Measure the performance of webserver as it stands, without modifications.

Step 8: Streaming Files

The most straightforward implementation of a web server is to read the entire requested file into RAM from the disk, then send the file over the socket. For large files, this can be undesirable for several reasons:

  • It increases the amount of RAM the server uses.
  • The client must wait until the entire file arrives before it can begin to process it.

Modify your server so that it reads a fixed number of bytes from the disk at a time, then sends those same bytes to the client. Add a command-line flag (-s) to switch streaming on. In the absence of the flag, it should read the entire file into RAM and then send it.

Streaming performance

Measure the performance of webserver with streaming activated. In an evaluation document, record the performance of the baseline and the streaming server. Then analyze the extent to which streaming was (or was not) helpful.

Step 9: Caching

As reading from disk is time consuming, potential speedup gains may be had by caching frequently requested files in RAM. There are some significant tradeoffs involved:

  • Caching files can greatly increase the amount of RAM the server uses.
  • Caching popular files tends to have a larger payoff.
  • It is possible that a cached file will have changed on disk, making the results out-of-date.

Modify your server so that it stores up to n files in a RAM cache. The value n is selected at the command line; add a command line flag (-c=n) to specify that value. For example, c=3 would allow the cache to store up to three files. If the -c flag is not employed, caching will not be activated.

Track the number of requests for each file. The n most popular files will be kept in the cache.

Caching performance

Measure the performance of webserver with caching activated. In an evaluation document, record the performance of the baseline and the caching server. Then analyze the extent to which caching was (or was not) helpful. Be sure to try at least three different values of n.


  • Share the part1 project as a private GitHub repository.
  • Submit your GitHub URL via Teams.


  • Level 1: Steps 1-6 complete.
  • Level 2: Step 7 and either Step 8 or Step 9 complete, along with an evalution document containing a good analysis of the results.
  • Level 3: All 9 steps complete, along with an evalution document containing a good analysis of the results.


This assignment was adapted from materials developed by David Evans at the University of Virginia.