Project 9: Game Kernel


Arcade consoles allow a user to select a game to play, play it, and when it ends, select another game. In this project, you will implement a Game Kernel that enables this functionality, plus a bit more. Specifically, your Game Kernel will allow users to suspend a game in progress, resume a suspended game, and even have multiple instances of the same game in progress at once.

Here is a screenshot of how the Game Kernel looks:

Here is a summary of the required functionality:

  • When the Game Kernel starts, we see a starting screen with three lines of instructions. The instructions read as follows:
    • Type 's' to start a game
    • Type 'r' to resume a game
    • Type 'k' to end a game
  • Below the instructions is a list of all available games.
  • One game is always highlighted.
    • If the user types s, the highlighted game will start.
    • Note that starting a game more than once will create distinct processes running the same game.
    • The highlight is changed by using the up and down arrow keys.
  • When a game is in progress, pressing the Escape key will pause the game and return to the starting screen.
  • Paused games in progress are listed in the right column.
    • The highlight moves to this column from the starting column using the left and right arrow keys.
    • If the user types r, the highlighted game is resumed.
    • If the user types k, the highlighted game is terminated. Terminated games are no longer displayed in the column. All other running games retain their process IDs.
    • Note that multiple instances of a game may appear in the list. The correct instance should be resumed or terminated on request, without disturbing the other instances.


One instance of each game in progress will be stored in an array. I recommend using enum types to represent both the possible game choices as well as the games in progress. Here are the two enum types I used in my solution that you are welcome to use in yours:

const TASK_MGR_HEADER: usize = 3;

enum GameChoice {
	GhostHunter, Tracer, Letters, SpaceInvaders, Chicken, Burnett, Hodgins

const GAME_CHOICES: [GameChoice; NUM_GAMES] = [GameChoice::Tracer, GameChoice::Letters, GameChoice::GhostHunter, GameChoice::Burnett, GameChoice::Chicken, GameChoice::Hodgins, GameChoice::SpaceInvaders];
const NUM_GAMES: usize = 7;

impl GameChoice {
	fn start(&self) -> Process {
		match self {
			GameChoice::GhostHunter => Process::GhostHunter(GhostHunterGame::new()),
			GameChoice::Tracer => Process::Tracer(TracerGame::new()),
			GameChoice::Letters => Process::Letters(LetterMover::new()),
			GameChoice::SpaceInvaders => Process::SpaceInvaders(SpaceInvadersGame::new()),
			GameChoice::Chicken => Process::Chicken(Game::new()),
			GameChoice::Burnett => Process::Burnett(nom_noms::LetterMover::new()),
			GameChoice::Hodgins => Process::Hodgins(MainGame::new())

	fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
		match self {
			GameChoice::GhostHunter => "Ghost Hunter",
			GameChoice::Tracer => "Tracer",
			GameChoice::Letters => "Letter Mover",
			GameChoice::SpaceInvaders => "Space Invaders",
			GameChoice::Chicken => "Chicken Invaders",
			GameChoice::Burnett => "Daniel's Game",
			GameChoice::Hodgins => "Snake"

enum Process {

impl Process {
	fn tick(&mut self) {
		match self {
			Process::GhostHunter(game) => ghost_hunter::tick(game),
			Process::Tracer(game) => game.tick(),
			Process::Letters(game) => game.tick(),
			Process::SpaceInvaders(game) => baremetal_game::tick(game),
			Process::Chicken(game) => game.tick(),
			Process::Burnett(game) => game.tick(),
			Process::Hodgins(game) => baremetal_snake::tick(game)

	fn key(&mut self, key: DecodedKey) {
		match self {
			Process::GhostHunter(game) => game.key(key),
			Process::Tracer(game) => game.key(key),
			Process::Letters(game) => game.key(key),
			Process::SpaceInvaders(game) => game.key(key),
			Process::Chicken(game) => game.key(key),
			Process::Burnett(game) => game.key(key),
			Process::Hodgins(game) => game.key(key)

Other configuration issues

To include the other projects from GitHub in your project, add these lines to Cargo.toml:

ghost_hunter = {git = ""}
bare_metal_tracer = {git = ""}
pluggable_interrupt_template = {git = ""}
baremetal_game = {git = ""}
chicken_invaders = {git = ""}
nom_noms = {git = ""}
baremetal_snake = {git = ""}

To import them into your source file:

use ghost_hunter::GhostHunterGame;
use bare_metal_tracer::TracerGame;
use pluggable_interrupt_template::LetterMover;
use baremetal_game::game_core::SpaceInvadersGame;
use chicken_invaders::Game;
use baremetal_snake::MainGame;


  • Create a private GitHub repository for your game kernel.
  • Paste the repository URL into your Teams channel.


  • Complete: Meets all requirements given above.
  • Partial: Sincere attempt to meet requirements, but incomplete in some way.


This assignment was adapted from materials developed by Philipp Oppermann.