mod tests {
use super::*;
const BLOCK_SIZE: usize = 64;
const MAX_FILES_STORED: usize = 32;
fn make_small_fs() -> FileSystem<16, 64, 255, 8, 512, 32, 8> {
fn test_short_write() {
let mut sys = make_small_fs();
let f1 = sys.open_create("one.txt").unwrap();
sys.assert_block(0, 0, &[3, 0]);
sys.assert_block(1, 0, &[255, 1, 0]);
sys.assert_block(2, 0, &[16, 0, 7]);
sys.assert_block(2, 10, &[0, 0, 8]);
sys.assert_block(7, 0, &[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 111, 110, 101, 46, 116, 120, 116, 0]);
sys.write(f1, "This is a test.".as_bytes()).unwrap();
let mut buffer = [0; 50];
sys.assert_block(8, 0, &[84, 104, 105, 115, 32, 105, 115, 32, 97, 32, 116, 101, 115, 116, 46]);
sys.assert_block(2, 0, &[16, 0, 7]);
sys.assert_block(2, 10, &[15, 0, 8]);
let f2 = sys.open_read("one.txt").unwrap();
let bytes_read = sys.read(f2, &mut buffer).unwrap();
assert_eq!(bytes_read, 15);
let s = core::str::from_utf8(&buffer[0..bytes_read]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(s, "This is a test.");
const LONG_DATA: &str = "This is a much, much longer message.
It crosses a number of different lines in the text editor, all synthesized
with the goal of exceeding the 64 byte block limit by a considerable amount.
To that end, this text contains considerable excessive verbiage.";
fn test_long_write() {
assert_eq!(265, LONG_DATA.len());
let mut sys = make_small_fs();
let f1 = sys.open_create("one.txt").unwrap();
sys.write(f1, LONG_DATA.as_bytes()).unwrap();
sys.assert_block(0, 0, &[3, 0, 0]);
sys.assert_block(1, 0, &[255, 31, 0]);
sys.assert_block(2, 0, &[16, 0, 7]);
sys.assert_block(2, 10, &[9, 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]);
let read = read_to_string(&mut sys, "one.txt");
assert_eq!(read.as_str(), LONG_DATA);
fn read_to_string(
sys: &mut FileSystem<16, BLOCK_SIZE, 255, 8, 512, 32, 8>,
filename: &str,
) -> String {
let fd = sys.open_read(filename).unwrap();
let mut read = String::new();
let mut buffer = [0; 10];
loop {
let num_bytes = sys.read(fd, &mut buffer).unwrap();
let s = core::str::from_utf8(&buffer[0..num_bytes]).unwrap();
if num_bytes < buffer.len() {
return read;
fn test_complex_1() {
let one = "This is a message, a short message, but an increasingly long message.
This is a message, a short message, but an increasingly long message.";
let two = "This is the second message I have chosen to undertake in this particular test.
This is a continuation of this ever-so-controversial second message.\n";
let mut sys = make_small_fs();
let f1 = sys.open_create("one.txt").unwrap();
sys.write(f1, one[0..one.len() / 2].as_bytes()).unwrap();
let f2 = sys.open_create("two.txt").unwrap();
sys.write(f2, two[0..two.len() / 2].as_bytes()).unwrap();
sys.write(f1, one[one.len() / 2..one.len()].as_bytes())
sys.write(f2, two[two.len() / 2..two.len()].as_bytes())
assert_eq!(one, read_to_string(&mut sys, "one.txt").as_str());
assert_eq!(two, read_to_string(&mut sys, "two.txt").as_str());
fn test_complex_2() {
let one = "This is a message, a short message, but an increasingly long message.
This is a message, a short message, but an increasingly long message.";
let two = "This is the second message I have chosen to undertake in this particular test.
This is a continuation of this ever-so-controversial second message.\n";
let mut sys = make_small_fs();
let f1 = sys.open_create("one.txt").unwrap();
sys.write(f1, one[0..one.len() / 2].as_bytes()).unwrap();
let f2 = sys.open_create("two.txt").unwrap();
sys.write(f2, two[0..two.len() / 2].as_bytes()).unwrap();
let f3 = sys.open_append("two.txt").unwrap();
let f4 = sys.open_append("one.txt").unwrap();
sys.write(f4, one[one.len() / 2..one.len()].as_bytes())
sys.write(f3, two[two.len() / 2..two.len()].as_bytes())
assert_eq!(one, read_to_string(&mut sys, "one.txt").as_str());
assert_eq!(two, read_to_string(&mut sys, "two.txt").as_str());
fn test_complex_3() {
let one = "This is a message, a short message, but an increasingly long message.
This is a message, a short message, but an increasingly long message.";
let two = "This is the second message I have chosen to undertake in this particular test.
This is a continuation of this ever-so-controversial second message.\n";
let mut sys = make_small_fs();
let f1 = sys.open_create("one.txt").unwrap();
sys.write(f1, one.as_bytes()).unwrap();
let f2 = sys.open_create("one.txt").unwrap();
sys.write(f2, two.as_bytes()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(two, read_to_string(&mut sys, "one.txt").as_str());
fn test_file_not_found() {
let mut sys = make_small_fs();
let f1 = sys.open_create("one.txt").unwrap();
sys.write(f1, "This is a test.".as_bytes()).unwrap();
match sys.open_read("one.tx") {
FileSystemResult::Ok(_) => panic!("Shouldn't have found the file"),
FileSystemResult::Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, FileSystemError::FileNotFound),
fn test_file_not_open() {
let mut sys = make_small_fs();
let f1 = sys.open_create("one.txt").unwrap();
sys.write(f1, "This is a test.".as_bytes()).unwrap();
let fd = sys.open_read("one.txt").unwrap();
let mut buffer = [0; 10];
match sys.read(fd + 1, &mut buffer) {
FileSystemResult::Ok(_) => panic!("Should be an error!"),
FileSystemResult::Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, FileSystemError::FileNotOpen),
fn test_not_open_for_read() {
let mut sys = make_small_fs();
let f1 = sys.open_create("one.txt").unwrap();
sys.write(f1, "This is a test.".as_bytes()).unwrap();
let mut buffer = [0; 10];
match sys.read(f1, &mut buffer) {
FileSystemResult::Ok(_) => panic!("Should not work!"),
FileSystemResult::Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, FileSystemError::NotOpenForRead),
fn test_not_open_for_write() {
let mut sys = make_small_fs();
let f1 = sys.open_create("one.txt").unwrap();
sys.write(f1, "This is a test.".as_bytes()).unwrap();
let f2 = sys.open_read("one.txt").unwrap();
match sys.write(f2, "this is also a test".as_bytes()) {
FileSystemResult::Ok(_) => panic!("Should be an error"),
FileSystemResult::Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, FileSystemError::NotOpenForWrite),
fn test_filename_too_long() {
let mut sys = make_small_fs();
match sys.open_create("this_is_an_exceedingly_long_filename_to_use.txt") {
FileSystemResult::Ok(_) => panic!("This should be an error"),
FileSystemResult::Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, FileSystemError::FilenameTooLong),
fn test_already_open() {
let mut sys = make_small_fs();
let f1 = sys.open_create("one.txt").unwrap();
sys.write(f1, "This is a test.".as_bytes()).unwrap();
match sys.open_read("one.txt") {
FileSystemResult::Ok(_) => panic!("Should be an error"),
FileSystemResult::Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, FileSystemError::AlreadyOpen),
fn test_file_too_big() {
let mut sys = make_small_fs();
let f1 = sys.open_create("one.txt").unwrap();
for _ in 0..sys.max_file_size() - 1 {
sys.write(f1, "A".as_bytes()).unwrap();
match sys.write(f1, "B".as_bytes()) {
FileSystemResult::Ok(_) => panic!("Should be an error!"),
FileSystemResult::Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, FileSystemError::FileTooBig),
fn test_too_many_files() {
let mut sys = make_small_fs();
for i in 0..MAX_FILES_STORED - 1 {
let filename = format!("file{i}");
let f = sys.open_create(filename.as_str()).unwrap();
let content = format!("This is sentence {i}");
sys.write(f, content.as_bytes()).unwrap();
match sys.open_create("Final") {
FileSystemResult::Ok(_) => panic!("This should be an error!"),
FileSystemResult::Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, FileSystemError::TooManyFiles),
// Disregard this test - too many valid possible solutions will fail it.
fn test_disk_full() {
let mut sys = make_small_fs();
for i in 0..MAX_FILES_STORED - 1 {
let filename = format!("file{i}");
let f = sys.open_create(filename.as_str()).unwrap();
for j in 0..sys.max_file_size() - 1 {
match sys.write(f, "A".as_bytes()) {
FileSystemResult::Ok(_) => {}
FileSystemResult::Err(e) => {
assert_eq!(i, 30);
assert_eq!(j, 191);
assert_eq!(e, FileSystemError::DiskFull);
panic!("The disk should have been full!");