Project 6: Action Selection with Images

Sample Program

Network Communication

The robot and tablet will communicate using the HendrixIOT wifi network. Following the instructions, connect your tablet to that network.

The robot and tablet communicate using a socket. The code example below shows how we can communicate over a socket:

import socket

PORT = 8888

def send_message(message):
    reply = None
        sock = socket.socket()
        sock.connect((SERVER_IP, PORT))
        reply = sock.recv(1024).decode()
    except Exception as e:
        reply = str(e)
    return reply

Requesting Image Classification

To set up a classifier, send the app the following message:

  • knn [k] [project_name]

For example, if you wish to start classifying with $k = 3$ and a project you created called avoid, you would send:

  • knn 3 avoid

To ask for the most recently assigned label for an image:

  • classify

Part 1: Obstacle Avoidance

  • Modify your robot so that it can carry your tablet.
  • Create an obstacle avoider that works entirely by use of images.
  • To this end, create a project in the VisionBot app with two labels: obstacle and clear.
  • Take a variety of representative photographs of each label. I recommend taking the photographs while the tablet is in its position on the robot.
  • Use the sample program provided to test your classifier.
  • Experiment with different sets of photographs until you achieve a successful obstacle avoider.

Part 2: Your Choice

  • Devise two additional tasks using the VisionBot app.
  • At least one of the tasks should employ three distinct labels.
  • At least one of the tasks should incorporate ideas from either of the Mode Selection or Reinforcement Learning projects.


  1. How did the purely-visual obstacle avoider perform in comparison to the obstacle avoiders that used sonars and bump sensors? Describe specific observations to justify your answer.
  2. What were the goals for your first additional task? How did the robot perform with respect to those goals?
  3. What were the goals for your second additional task? How did the robot perform with respect to those goals?
  4. How many distinct images per label did you need for each of your tasks for the robot to perform adequately?
  5. What advantages and disadvantages did you find with using image processing as compared to the other sensors we have employed so far?