Project 5: Fuzzy Logic Behaviors

Sample Program


  • Remove the bump sensors from your robot.
  • Attach and wire two NXT Ultrasonic sensors to the left and right sides of your robot.
  • Implement the following programs:


  • Use the front ultrasonic sensor to maintain a target distance from an object.
  • If the object moves away from the robot, it should increase its speed until it catches up.
  • If the object moves towards the robot, it should back up.
  • All motions should be proportional to the distance between the robot and the object.


  • When all sonars are maximally clear, drive forward.
  • Create fuzzy logic rules for each of the three sonars.
    • The front sonar rule should slow both wheels.
    • The left sonar rule should slow down the right wheel.
    • The right sonar rule should slow down the left wheel.
  • Write a controller that defuzzifies the outputs of these rules to produce motor settings for each wheel.


  • Similar to AvoidFuzzy, except if the front sonar value falls below a threshold, the robot should shift to a backing-up mode.
  • The backing-up mode should employ a fuzzy rule for each sonar that determines the intensity and direction of backwards movement.


  • Reimplementation of Patrol3 from Project 3.
  • Instead of immediately turning around when an obstacle is sensed, use fuzzy logic to slow the robot down as it approaches the obstacle.
  • If the robot gets too close to the obstacle, it should then turn around.

Your choice

  • Devise a task for your robot that is amenable to being solved by using fuzzy logic.
  • Your task should involve the robot switching between at least three distinct modes, at least two of which should be fuzzy.


  1. How did you go about creating effective fuzzy behaviors for each of the above tasks?
  2. How did you structure states and mode-selection to successfully incorporate fuzzy behaviors?
  3. How did the fuzzy-logic robots perform in comparison to the non-fuzzy versions on each of the tasks that were implemented both ways?
  4. Why did you choose the task you chose for the free-choice part of the project? How suitable did it prove to be in practice? How well did the system work?