Project : Final Project
For your final project, you should program your robot to fulfill a goal. The
nature of the goal is deliberately open-ended. Here are the project guidelines:
- As the project earns an Odyssey Special Projects (SP) credit, there is a
minimum of thirty hours of work on the part of each team member. You
should maintain a journal to document this.
- Topic selection:
- Consider your submission for Project 1.
- What were the fictional and real robots you explored?
- From which of those might you draw inspiration for a topic?
- From what other fictional or real robots might you draw inspiration?
- Your final topic selection is very open, and ultimately can be anything upon
which you and the instructor agree.
- But it should be based upon an “interesting” task that is “contextualized”;
that is, it should involve the application of robotics techniques towards a
larger goal.
- Both real and fictional tasks are excellent inspiration for this.
- You may augment your robot with any hardware that you acquire.
Project Proposal
Each project proposal should include the following:
- Team Members
- A few paragraphs describing the project goals
- A proposed timeline for completing the project, including intermediate goals
Final Paper
Each team submits one final project paper. It should include the following:
- Project goals
- Description of the metrics (qualitative and/or quantitative) used for determining
project completion.
- Degree to which each goal was completed.
- Description of how the robot was programmed, and how that programming supported
each goal.
- Description of challenges encountered and how they were addressed.
- Project log, documenting the following:
- Start/end times of each work session.
- Goals and accomplishments for each work session.
- Participants in each work session.
- Each participant must document 30 hours of work.
- A conclusion summarizing the project.
Final Presentation
During the final exam period for the course (Tuesday, May 2, 2-5 pm) each
student/team will deliver an oral presentation as follows:
- Project goals
- Degree of completion of goals
- Description of challenges encountered and how they were addressed
- Presentation of video recordings of the robot in action.
- Conclusion summarizing the project.
- Tuesday, April 18
- Project proposal due
- Oral presentation of proposal by each /team
- Written proposal submitted by each team
- Thursday, April 20
- Project work time during class
- Tuesday, April 25
- Each student/team orally presents progress during class
- Thursday, April 27
- Project work time during class
- Tuesday, May 2
- Final project presentations
- Final papers due
- Thursday, May 4
- Tuesday, May 9
- Revised final papers due
- All makeup work due