Essay 1: Sensing and Acting

At this point in the semester, you have learned how to program your robot using ROS2 to read information from sensors and command the motors to produce an intended robot behavior.

Drawing upon this experience, write an essay along the following lines:

  1. Write an introduction where you give a 1-2 sentence summary of each assignment you have completed so far - each of the first three modules as well as Project 1.
  2. Describe every sensor you have employed so far. Discuss its advantages and disadvantages. Use your experiences in robot programming to illuminate these advantages and disadvantages.
  3. For each ROS2 program you wrote in which the robot’s behavior depends on the values of its sensors, discuss how the program determines motor values based on those sensor values.
  4. Out of all of those programs, which do you think produced the most effective robot behavior for its intended purpose? Why?
  5. Write a conclusion in which you summarize what you have learned about robot programming in general at this point in the course. Also write 2-3 sentences looking ahead - what are you hoping to be able to learn to do next?