Lab 9: JavaFX and Animation


In this lab, we learn how to create GUI components for an animated application using JavaFX.



To create an application using JavaFX, we will need a number of pieces. There will often be a Model, View, Controller, and Application. For our animation example we will deconstruct and augment a bouncing ball demonstration, then apply these lessons to make a rocket launch and land.

Animation Demonstration

  1. Download the skeleton for this step.
  2. Unpack the code into a new IntelliJ Java project.

In this demo, you will find a BouncyBall class, the Model portion of our application, that controls a bouncing ball in a javafx Pane. Our FXML view consists of a BorderPane with a Pane in the center. The DemoController class coordinates between the events collected in the Pane view and the BouncyBall model, and the BouncyBallView class projects the BouncyBall on the screen.

Run the GUI to see 5 balls drawn and move on the pane with random directions and speeds. When you select a ball, it will change color to red and stop moving. You can drag the ball to a new location. When you drop the ball, it will turn blue and start moving again.

Step 1 - Animation Extensions

Now you will make additions to this demo, to solidify your understanding of GUI applications and learn the particulars of animation.

Step 1.1

Add two Buttons to the GUI that will Start and Stop the AnimationTimer. You will need to add two functions to the DemoController with @FXML annotations, and map the buttons to these functions. These functions should call clock.start() and clock.stop() respectively.

Step 1.2

Set up the Pane in DemoController to accept MousePressed events by adding the following line to the initialize() method:

pane.setOnMousePressed(event -> {makeBouncyBall();});

When the pane is pressed, this will call the makeBouncyBall method. You will notice that new balls appear! However, they also appear when you try to pick up and move the other balls. To prevent this, both of the MousePressed callback methods (in DemoController and BouncyBallView) will need to consume the events they handle by calling event.consume().

Step 1.3

Augment the Movement private class to slowly grow and shrink the balls. First, you should add a setRadius(double radius) method to the BouncyBall class that sets the radius. Then, add in two fields to the private Movement class, one for the current radius, initialized at 25, and one called dr for the rate of change, initialized at 0.1. In the for loop (in the Movement.handle() method), set the radius of each BouncyBall b to the current radius. Following the for loop, add the following lines:

radius += dr;
if (radius > 40 || radius < 25) {
    dr *= -1;

Step 1.4

Make one more alteration to the AnimationDemo project, of your choice.

Step 2 - Rocket Launcher

Now, you will add an animation to an existing JavaFX program.

  1. Download the skeleton.
  2. Unpack the code into a new IntelliJ Java project.

Notice again the View classes that have been created for each of the model components. Spend some time browsing the CanisterView and RocketView classes to see how they simplify the process of updating the GUI when your model changes.

Test out the application. Right now, the rocket will immediately go into space when Blast Off is clicked, and go back to the ground immediately when Launch is clicked.

Your job is to replace this with a slow animation, altering and adapting the code from the animation demonstration above. Below is a rough guide, it is vague on purpose, I would like you to explore and work with your partner to devise a good solution to this step.

I recommend you start by deleting the if/else in the beginning of update in RocketView. Copy in the Movement class to the controller, and start slicing it up. It will be helpful to store a speed for the rocket, and a current Y value for the rocket, so you can update these variables in the handle loop. Be sure to make the buttons inactive while the rocket is moving.


  • To Partially Complete this lab, complete Step 1.
  • To Complete this lab, do the above and complete Step 2.