Formative Assessment 1: Eating Candy

Write a class called TootsiePop to represent a hard candy lollipop filled with chocolate-flavored chewy candy.

You will have two components, a String for the flavor and an int for the number of licks.

Your constructor method will bring in an initial number of licks and a flavor. For example:

TootsiePop p = new TootsiePop("Strawberry", 40);

You will need four additional methods:

  • public boolean canLick() which returns true if the TootsiePop has licks remaining.

  • public void lick() which removes one lick from the TootsiePop if there are licks remaining.

  • public void bite() which removes all licks.

  • public String toString() which returns a String representation of the object, such as "strawberry: 0".

Also, write a Main class that includes a public static void main(String[] args) method that fully tests and demonstrates that your class is working.

Feel free to use IntelliJ to test your code. Be ready to demonstrate your program to the instructor by the due date.