Homework 13: Recursion

To receive full credit, for each exercise you should do the following:

  1. Design: First, write a Python function as requested in the exercise.

  2. Check: Run the provided test code. Does your actual output agree with the given correct output?

  3. Evaluate: If the actual output does not match the expected output, keep experimenting, consult the textbook or Python documentation, ask a friend or TA or professor, etc. until you can fix your class definition and explain what your misunderstanding(s) were. (You do not need to do anything for step 3 if the outputs already agree exactly.)

You should consider the code in each exercise separately from the other exercises.

  1. Consider the function logarithm(b,n) given below, which counts how many times n has to be divided by b before falling below b:

     def logarithm(b: float, n: float) -> int:
         count = 0
         while n >= b:
             count += 1
             n /= b
         return count

    Write a new version of logarithm which uses recursion instead of a while loop.

    To test your function, you can type in the following tests:

     def main():
         print(logarithm(2, 128) == 7)
         print(logarithm(2, 35)  == 5)
         print(logarithm(5, 125) == 3)
         print(logarithm(2, 1)   == 0)
         print(logarithm(2, 3)   == 1)
         print(logarithm(10, 19740983) == 7)

    If you have implemented logarithm correctly, main() should print True six times.

  2. Write a recursive function is_palindrome which takes a string as a parameter and returns a boolean indicating whether the string is a palindrome (a palindrome is a string which is equal to its reversal).

    You can test your function with this main2(), which should print all True:

     def main2():
         print(not is_palindrome('ab'))
         print(not is_palindrome('bbbbbbcbbb'))
         print(not is_palindrome('myhelicopterisfullofeels'))