Lab 4: Modeling Flight Delays


The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Bureau of Transportation Statistics tracks the on-time performance of domestic flights operated by large air carriers. Summary information on the number of on-time, delayed, canceled, and diverted flights is published in DOT’s monthly Air Travel Consumer Report and in this dataset of 2015 flight delays and cancellations.

We discussed this dataset in class using Flight Delays And Cancellations. It may be a good idea to review this notebook as a starting point for this lab. In this notebook, we aggregated arrival_delay and departure_delay by airline, airport, and month. In this lab, you are going to take a closer look at delays and model them using regression.

Transformed Data

Instead of working with the raw flights data, you will use a tranformed version made specifically for this lab. Click here to download. This data is quite large (727mb) so I zipped it to make it easier to download.


Step 1: Loading flights

  • Load the transformed data into a data frame called “flights” and familarize yourself with the size and quality of the dataset.
  • Convert scheduled_departure to a datetime (this column loads as a string)
  • Write a data dictionary which explains each column’s dtype and meaning.

Step 2: Aggregating & Plotting Delay

Let’s start by performing some general analysis about delays. From Flight Delays And Cancellations, we learned that most airlines report delays close to zero but all experience large outliers.

Using two bar charts aggregated by airline, plot mean departure_delay and mean arrival_delay. Make sure to label your charts, size the figure correctly, and set a title.

Feature Selection: Restrict columns to just the three mentioned above.

Aggregation: You’ll need to aggregate the data (i.e. mean delays) after feature selection. Once aggregation is done, its common to reset the index in order to make the data easier to plot.


Examine the charts you just produced. Which airlines are outliers for departure_delay? Which airlines are outliers for arrival_delay? Find the mean departure_delay and arrival_delay across all airlines excluding any outliers.

Step 3: Departure Delay

In Step 2, you showed that mean departure_delay is larger than mean arrival_delay (If that’s not the conclusion you got in Step 2, you may want to revisit your answer!). This can be explained by flights increasing their flight speed (and thereby burning more fuel) in order to make up for lost time.

For the rest of this lab, we will continue to model departure_delay, but ignore arrival_delay since it may be impacted by variables outside the flights dataset (e.g. flight speed).

Origin Airport vs. Airline

Let’s see if the origin_airport has an impact on departure_delay by plotting a heatmap of airline vs. origin_airport. The color should correspond to delay_level, which we will define in a bit.

Feature Selection: Start by creating a dataframe that has the three columns mentioned above.

Aggregation: Group the dataframe by origin_airport and airline and calculate mean departure_delay. The resulting dataframe should have a shape of (1304, 1). origin_airport and airline should make up a MultiIndex.

Augmentation: Create a new feature called delay_level. Values in this column should be one of “on time” (if delay is less than 5 minutes), “small delay” (if delay is less than 45 minutes) or “long delay”.

Reshaping: Select just the delay_level series from the grouped dataframe and call .unstack() to shape the series back into a dataframe that has origin_airport as its index and all of the airlines as columns. The final shape should be (322, 14). The values of this heatmap should be the delay_level categories you just defined.

Plotting: Finally, use the provided plot_heatmap_discrete_legend() function to visualize this dataset. This function’s purpose is mostly to discretize the delay_level color pallete and legend. You should be able to pass the unstacked data frame that has a shape of (322, 14) to this function as a parameter.

Run in a cell by itself,

IPython.OutputArea.prototype._should_scroll = function(lines) {
    return false;

and then in a new cell define the following function,

from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap

def plot_heatmap_discrete_legend(data):
    # Set the width and height of the figure
    # Add title
    plt.title("Average Departure Delay (Airline vs. Origin Airport)")
    # calc discrete values
    value_to_int = {j:i for i,j in enumerate(pd.unique(data.values.ravel()))}
    n = len(value_to_int)   

    # discrete colormap (n samples from a given cmap)
    cmap = sns.color_palette("Paired", n) 
    ax = sns.heatmap(

    # modify colorbar
    colorbar = ax.collections[0].colorbar 
    r = colorbar.vmax - colorbar.vmin 
    colorbar.set_ticks([colorbar.vmin + r / n * (0.5 + i) for i in range(n)])
    # show plot


Compare the output from using plot_heatmap_discrete_legend() vs. a vanilla call to sns.heatmap. What’s the value of discretizing the color pallete and legend?

Discuss whether origin_airport has an impact on departure_delay. Are some airports more prone to delays than others? Or is origin_airport not an important feature when modeling flight delays?

Step 4: Temporal Analysis (Bonus)

In Steps 2 & 3, you did an analysis of how airline and origin_airport affect departure_delay. We also narrowed our view to just modeling departure_delay. Let’s start modeling delays now by looking at scheduled_departure more closely for a given airline and origin_airport.

Note: There is so much data to parse that in order to visualize its temporal nature we need to restrict our view to a smaller time range.


Feature Selection: Start by restricting, re-naming, and re-ordering your dataset’s features to the following columns: (airline, airport, time, delay). Here “airport” means origin_airport, “time” means scheduled_departure and “delay” means departure_delay.

Aggregation: You’ll need to aggregate the data (i.e. mean delay) after feature selection. It is possible for multiple rows to match (airline, airport, time) because destination airport has been dropped (i.e. multiple flights can leave at the same time going to different destinations). Check for duplicates before and after aggregating to ensure this was done correctly.

Filter Data: Set the following filters,

# Check out for how to chain pandas conditionals together

delaythreshold = 60 * 12 # delayed less than a day. 

time_range = f['time'] < datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 15)
delay_cap = f['delay'] < delaythreshold
airline = f['airline'] == "American Airlines Inc."
airport = f['airport'] == "Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport"

I deliberately chose an airline and airport that I knew would have lots of data to work with - AA is headquartered in Dallas, so there are a large number of daily flights. Make sure to drop any NaN values from the final dataframe.

Plot time vs. delay

Create two line charts. The first line chart should show data ranging from 2015-01-01 to 2015-01-14. For the second, choose only two or three days of data to display. Make sure to label your axes and set a title. Size the figure appropriately. Set aspect=3.0.

Model time of day

Now we want to zero in on time and delay across all airlines and for all of 2015. Reduce the dataset again to just two columns: time and delay. Make sure to to clear any filters, such as airline/airport, that were previously applied. This plot should cover the full 2015 dataset for all airlines.

Convert the time column to just be “seconds since the start of the day”. You can either make a new column, or replace the existing time column with this new series. Create a scatter plot and regression line using lmplot.

  • Aggregate data and drop any NaN values.
  • Label your axes and set a title.
  • Size the figure appropriately. Set aspect=3.0.
  • Color the reg line by passing line_kws={'color': 'red'} as an argument to .lmplot().
  • Pass as an argument order=3 to fit a polynomial of 3 terms intead of linear.


For each plot, what patterns in the data do you observe? What explains these patterns?

Step 5: Choropleths (Bonus)

In airports.csv there are geographical features that can be used to make choropleths. Overlay airport location on top of any choropleth of your choosing. You may need to use kaggle to load the necessary geopandas libraries. Please turn in step 5 in a separate notebook from Steps 1-4.

What To Turn In

Note: Please do not turn in the data you used for this lab. The file size is too large.

As you work on this lab, record all of your progress in a Jupyter notebook. Record your solutions and attempts in Code blocks, and annotate what you did with MarkDown blocks. Cite all the webpages you find and use in your search for your solution. A good solution should read like a self-contained report.

  • Add your name and your lab partner at the top of the notebook.
  • for good MarkDown styling.
  • Go to the file menu and do “Kernel -> Restart and Run All” before submitting. This ensures there are no runtime errors and all figures are generated correctly.


  • Complete: Notebook can be read easily w/o needing to reference this page for additional detail. It should read like a self-contained report. It can be executed without producing runtime errors. All steps (1, 2, 3, and optionally 4, 5) are finished and all discussion questions are answered.

  • Partially complete: Notebook can be executed without producing runtime errors. Steps (1, 2, 3) are attempted.

  • Bonus #1: If you complete Step 4, then you can get 15 additional points added to your Exam #1 grade. This is enough to turn a “B” into an “A”.

  • Bonus #2: If you complete Step 5, then you are can receive one additional “late work day” to use anytime the rest of the semester.