Lab 11: Graphics and Animation



For today’s lab, download the latest version of Open a new Project in PyCharm, and include this file in your directory. You are now ready to work through the lab.

Step 1: Faces

When we draw on the screen, we first need to be familiar with the coordinate system. We denote the width as x and the height as y. Most computer graphics modules specify that the x, y origin (0,0) is located in the upper-left corner of the screen, with x increasing to the right and y increasing downwards, as shown here.

Coordinate System

Image source: (

There are three common shaped we can draw this graphics package: a circle, a rectangle, and a line. Write the following lines of code in a Python file called and execute the program.

from graphics import *

def main():
    win = GraphWin("My First Drawing", 100, 100)

    c = Circle(Point(50, 50), 10)
    r = Rectangle(Point(30, 30), Point(50, 70))
    s = Line(Point(10, 50), Point(70, 60))




You should see an image like this:

Small Starting Image

The above program first imports the graphics package, making all of the objects accessible to the program. Then, in the main method, a GraphWin object is created, with a width of 100 pixels, and height of 100 pixels.

Each of the three shapes rely on the Point object, which holds two coordinates, one in the x dimension, and one in the y dimension.

A Circle is created using a Point for the center, followed by the radius of the circle. A Rectangle takes two arguments, the first a Point for the upper-left coordinate of the rectangle, and another Point for the lower-right coordinate. A Line takes two arguments, the first Point for the starting x, y coordinate, and the last Point for the ending x, y coordinate.

After being created, each of the above objects is then drawn to the GraphWin object to be seen on the screen. Finally, the GraphWin will wait until the mouse is clicked, then close the window.

Task: Draw a Face

Use Circle, Rectangle, and Line objects to draw a face on the screen. At a minimum, the face should have

  • eyes,
  • ears,
  • a mouth and
  • a nose.

Step 2: Colors

Three different portions of our drawing can be altered to include colors. Recall the hexadecimal representation of colors discussed earlier in class, where the computer understands a color to be composed of three components, Red, Green, and Blue. Each of the three functions below take a hex string as an argument denoting the color.

The setBackground method of GraphWin objects will paint the whole screen the given color.

The setFill method for a graphics object changes the color to be painted within the object. The setOutline method changes the color to use for making the border of an ellipse or rect.



It will be convenient to have some of our basic colors defined in a dictionary.

COLORS = {"black":"#000000", "white":"#FFFFFF",
          "red":"#FF0000", "green":"#00FF00",
          "blue":"#0000FF", "yellow":"#FFFF00",
          "orange":"#FFA500", "hendrixorange":"#F58025",

Task: Add Colors to Your Face

Use the above shapes and color functions, along with any others you might find useful on the Graphics Reference page, to enhance your earlier image of a face.

Step 3: Faces in Space

All of our images so far have been static. To add animations, we need to start remembering the state of our images and creating methods for how it will change. The natural way to do this is to create new object, and in particular, we will be representing Faces floating in space.

We will represent a Face with a class in Python. The face will need to remember the x,y coordinates for the center of the face. Notice how the draw function abstracts away the initial face to be centered around any x,y coordinates. This will let us move the face around the screen. Of course, you should use your own face-drawing code in place of the example code shown below.

class Face:

    def __init__(self, x:int, y:int):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.c = Circle(Point(self.x, self.y), 10)
        self.r = Rectangle(Point(self.x - 20, self.y - 20),
                           Point(self.x, self.y + 20))
        self.s = Line(Point(self.x - 40, self.y),
                      Point(self.x + 20, self.y + 10))

    def draw(self, win:GraphWin):

Let’s make our window a little bigger for what is coming next. Also, we will collect our Face instances in a list called faces, declared inside main(), add a new Face to the list, then draw every Face in the list.

def main():
    win = GraphWin("Making Faces", 640, 480, autoflush=False)

    faces = []

    faces.append(Face(50, 50))

    for f in faces:


Try moving your face around the screen by altering the arguments you use to create the Face in the setup function.

Task: Multiple Faces

Change the main function to add multiple faces at random locations around the screen.

Step 4: Movement

With the faces being drawn by an object, we can now make these objects move. Add new components to your Face, called vx and vy, to capture the velocity of the Face. For now, initialize them to 1, so they will be moving at a speed of 1 pixel per update, as shown here:

    self.vx = 1.0
    self.vy = 1.0

Next, add a new method to your Face called update. When called, this function will change the values of self.x and self.y by the velocity, and thus simulate movement. Also, make sure that you call the move method on every object of your face.

def update(self):
    self.x += self.vx
    self.y += self.vy
    self.c.move(self.vx, self.vy)
    self.r.move(self.vx, self.vy)
    self.s.move(self.vx, self.vy)

Finally, inside the main function, add a call to the update method of each face after calling the draw method. The rest of your main function will look like this:

for i in range(1000):
    for f in faces:

Woah, it is moving! This will update the location of the shape 1000 times, thus moving it around the screen. The update(30) line at the end will keep the for loop from running more than 30 times per second, which is a decent frame rate for our animation.

Task: Bouncing

Currently, the faces disappear after a while, because they moves off the bottom of the screen. We would like to keep them bouncing inside the window. Add in checks to the update method of the Face to reverse the appropriate velocity component when a face hits a wall, by multiplying the velocity in that dimension by -1.

Task: Random speeds

Abstract the velocities so they are initialized by parameters in the __init__ method, and augment your setup function to choose random velocities between -1 and 1 for both the x and y dimension for each Face created. You should now have faces moving in all directions and bouncing off of all the walls of the window.

Step 5: Extensions

Research two of the following extensions on the Graphics Reference page and augment your animation above.

Task: Face sizes

Add a size component to your Face, so you can also initialize the size. Change your main method and Face to account for this new size component, and test it out by drawing smaller and larger faces. Make sure your locations are still chosen so that the face is always completely visible on the screen!

Task: Mouse and keyboard input

Make your animations interactive by reacting to input from the mouse and the keyboard. For example you could have new Faces appear when and where the mouse is clicked, or you could increase or decrease the velocity of all the Faces when certain keys are pressed.

Task: Animated faces

Alter your update method of the Face to change the internal pieces of the face in a cyclic pattern. For example, the face could smile for a few timesteps, then frown, and then go back to smiling. Or the eyeballs could be moving up and down, left and right.

Task: Face collisions

Right now all the faces pass through each other when they move. Add a collision detection method, that checks each pair of faces to see if they are intersecting, and if so, makes the smaller one disappear.

Task: Images

Learn how to import images into your program, and make them move around the screen as we did with the Face above.

What to Hand In
